Composers’ Association of Serbia Announces a Call for Scores – Deadline 31 Oct 2021

The Composers’ Association of Serbia has announced a Call for Scores for the 31st International Review of Composers, 2022 which will take place in Belgrade from 1 to 5 October 2022. The Call is open until 31 October 2021 at midnight (Central European Time – CET). Submission is FREE and not anonymous.
All eligible submissions should be written for any of the following instruments/performers:
1. String orchestra (44321) with up to 5 additional instruments/performers of choice
Eligible additional instruments/performers: recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, guitar, harp, piano, harpsichord, accordion, percussion, soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone, two violins, viola, cello, and double bass. Duration: up to 12 minutes
2. Ensemble of 1–9 instruments ad libitum, with or without electronics
Eligible instruments/performers: recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, guitar, harp, piano, harpsichord, percussion, soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone, two violins, cello, and double bass. Duration: up to 10 minutes.
3. Electric viola, with or without electronics Duration: up to 10 minutes
4. Baritone, kaval (folk clarinet), and harpsichord, with or without electronics Duration: up to 10 minutes
Individual authors may submit pieces in multiple categories, but no more than two works in total. In compliance with the Statute of the International Review of Composers, only works written over the past three years will be considered.
Eligible applicants include authors, performers, associations, and national author societies.
Submissions should include the following elements:
1) the score;
2) recording (if possible);
3) short biography (up to 150 words)
4) programme (up to 150 words).
The authors whose pieces are selected for performance will be required to submit complete performance materials, including the following elements:
1) instrumental/vocal parts;
2) if applicable – electronics part (for electro-acoustic pieces);
3) one photograph;
4) updated biography (up to 150 words);
5) programme note (up to 150 words).
Applications should be emailed to: [email protected]
or mailed to:
Udruženje kompozitora Srbije
Mišarska 12–14, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
The Call is open until 31 October 2021 at midnight (Central European Time – CET). All applications sent by postal services should be mailed before the deadline (the stamp on the shipment will be considered). The deadline for online applications is 31 October 2021, but all files should remain available for download until the end of February 2022 (please use SoundCloud, YouTube, Dropbox, and the like, but not WeTransfer). Preferably, applications should be submitted by email.