WNMD – World (New) Music Days

An outdoor brass band concert in Sudoroy on the final full day of the 2024 ISCM World New Music Days in the Faroe Islands.

The annual ISCM World (New) Music Days Festival is organized each year by a different host. The festival presents music from each of our members, showcasing the incredible diversity of musical practice in our time. To see the breadth of locations where this festival has taken place over the last century as well as the breadth of repertoire from around the world that has been performed on these festivals, please visit our pages devoted to previous festivals.

Previous & Future W(N)MD Festivals

2025 Portugal

Previous festivals

Since 1923, ISCM’s annual international new music festival has taken place over 90 times all over the world.

Future festivals

The 2025 World New Music Days will take place in Portugal.

Interested in hosting WNMD ?

If you are a member organization of the ISCM and have an interest in hosting or co-hosting a future festival, please contact us with your proposal.