In 1925, the Romanian Composers’ Society founded the Romanian Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music.
The brief history of the Romanian Section shows that it functioned between 1925 and 1935, being then inactive between 1948 and 1950. Attempts for reviving it would only become possible after 1989, through the efforts of composer Nicolae Brânduş, President of the Romanian National Section between 1990-1991 and 1993-2002, as well as member of the Executive Committee of the ISCM between 1991-1993. His work as a President was continued by composers Liviu Dănceanu (1991-1993), Maia Ciobanu (2002-2003), Sorin Lerescu (2003-2013) and Ulpiu Vlad (2013-2019).
MERIDIAN is an international new music festival organized each year by the Romanian Section of the ISCM in collaboration with the Romanian Ministry of Culture, the Union of Romanian Composers and Musicologists, the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company, the “George Enescu” National Museum and the National University of Music in Bucharest, amongst other partners. The festival’s first edition took place in 2005. Since then, a week is dedicated every end of the year to a large palette of new music manifestations from Romania, as well as from all around the world.
Current team:
Diana Rotaru – President
Irinel Anghel, Constantin Basica, Gabriel Malancioiu, Alexandru Murariu – Executive Committee