Three New Members Elected to the ISCM ExCom

during the 2023 ISCM World New Music Days in Johannesburg , South Africa on November 30, 2023.
Pictured left to right: Frank J. Oteri, Ol’ga Smetanova, Glenda Keam, Chia-Lin Pan (on screen),
Rebecca Diependaele, Magnus Bunnskog, and David Pay.
(Not pictured: Wolfgang Renzl.)
At the 2023 General Assembly of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM), held during the 2023 ISCM World New Music Days in South Africa, three new members were elected to the ISCM Executive Committee (ExCom): Chia-Lin Pan, Magnus Bunnskog, and Rebecca Diependaele.
“We are delighted to have you on the team, and there are loads of fun things in store for us to work on together,” said ISCM President Glenda Keam, who continues her role on the ExCom along with Secretary General Ol’ga Smetanova, Vice President Frank J. Oteri, Treasurer David Pay, and Legal Counsel Wolfgang Renzl. The three new members of the ExCom were each elected to a two-year term following the completion of the terms of George Kentros, Tomoko Fukui, and Irina Hasnaş.
Each of the newly elected members of the ExCom brings a wide range of experience to the ISCM. Chia-Lin Pan is a composer and professor of music composition at the University of Taipei as well as president of the ISCM Taipei Section. Magnus Bunnskog is also a composer and additionally serves as dramaturg and artistic director at Audiorama and editor of Nutida Musik, the magazine of the Swedish Section of ISCM. Rebecca Diependaele is a musicologist and serves as the general manager of the Nadar Ensemble and the coorindator of MATRIX Centre for New Music, the Flemish Section of ISCM.