2014 – ISCM Young Composer Award (supported by Music on Main) – Stefan Prins

On 12 October 2014, at the final concert on of the ISCM World Music Days in Wrocław, Poland, the winner of the 2014 ISCM Young Composer Award (supported by Music on Main) was announced. It is the aim of the ISCM to promote exposure, research, and performance of contemporary music on an international scale, and to showcase diversity in musical creation, without prejudice to differences in musical expressions, styles, genres or media; nor regarding race, religion or politics. The annual ISCM Young Composers Award (YCA) is an important facet in these ongoing activities. At each ISCM World Music Days Festival an international jury, constituted from the ISCM membership, carefully considers all works performed during the festival written by composers age 35 or under, and selects a single composer to receive the ISCM Young Composers Award. The distinguished international jury for 2014 was comprised of Tomoko Fukui (Japan), Javier Hagen (Switzerland), and Eva Lopszyc (Argentina), and Stephen Lias (USA) served as the jury coordinator.
The winner, who will be honored with a commission for a new work to be performed at a future ISCM festival, was STEFAN PRINS (Flanders) for this work “Piano Hero #1, performed on 6 October by Małgorzata Walentynowicz. In reference to this piece, the jury released the following statement:
The jury found this piece to be both eloquent and unpredictable. The well-shaped structure created effective timing, and the manipulation of tension kept the audience focused right to the end. The synchronization between the visual and musical material was exciting, as was the contrast, which extended through many levels.
More info on http://www.stefanprins.be/eng/composesInstrument/comp_2011_01_pianohero.html
In addition to this winning piece, the jury also designated three honorable mentions which they felt were also excellent. These are (in alphabetical order) Hannes Dufek for “der horizont, eine rose, das anders”, Yair Klartag for “Background Music for Fundraising Event”, and Dmitry Timofeev for “Contrabass duo”. Through this award, ISCM is making a meaningful and lasting contribution to the depth and breadth of contemporary music repertoire, as well as providing support and encouragement to the most promising emerging composers of our time.
Composer’s info in Catalogue: Prins, Stefan