Achtung International! Salzburg & 100 Years of the International Society for Contemporary Music
On the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the ISCM Universität Mozarteum Salzburg has put together an extensive publication on the history of the ISCM.
Achtung International! Salzburg & 100 Years of the International Society for Contemporary Music | Salzburg & 100 Jahre Internationale Gesellschaft für Neue Musik covers a wide range of topics and includes contributions from a great number of experts, both from outside and from within the ISCM network. Frank J. Oteri (USA) wrote a chapter on the 1952 ISCM Festival in Salzburg (‘A Beginning, an End or a Mystery without Beginning or End?’). In the introduction Glenda Keam (New Zealand) reflects on some noteworthy milestones in the long history of the Society (‘ISCM: Past & Present’). Sonja Leipold (Austria) contributed to the introductory chapter of the 440-page book (‘From Salzburg to the World – the Founding City and Austria Celebrate 100 Years of ISCM’). The full abstract and table of contents are listed below. For more information and a preview of the book, please visit the website of Hollitzer Verlag. The book is available through regular bookshops and online. A selection of vendors is listed at the bottom of the publishers webpage.
“The ISCM community at large is extremely pleased and proud to see in this book the first full account of our hundred-year pan-geographical history, tracing multiple threads and telling the immensely rich story of the triumphs and challenges of artistic invention and innovation, encounter and exchange, and musical excellence.” — Glenda Keam in Achtung International!
In August 1922 the Viennese composers Rudolf Réti and Egon Wellesz organized International Chamber Music Performances at the Mozarteum – and Béla Bartók, Paul Hindemith, Darius Milhaud, Ethel Smyth, Anton Webern and many other composers from fifteen countries gathered under the protectorate of the co-founder of the Salzburg Festival, Richard Strauss, to establish the first international peace project in music after the First World War. Subsequently, the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) developed into one of the world’s most prominent institutions for the promotion of contemporary music. This volume is dedicated to the institution’s 100th anniversary. The International Society for Contemporary Music’s long and complex history comes to life in this publication and it contributes greatly to the ongoing discussion of the Society’s global network of musicians, composers, and ensembles.
Table of contents
Geleitwort | Preface
Elisabeth Gutjahr (Salzburg)
Von Salzburg in die Welt – die Gründungsstadt und Österreich feiern 100 Jahre IGNM
From Salzburg to the World – the Founding City and Austria Celebrate 100 Years of ISCM
Sonja Leipold (Wien) – Stefan David Hummel (Salzburg)
IGNM: Geschichte & Gegenwart
ISCM: Past & Present
Glenda Keam (Auckland)
„die zerrissenen Fäden der europäischen Kulturgemeinschaft wieder anzuknüpfen“
“To mend the broken bonds of the European cultural community”
Matthew Werley (Salzburg)
Gründungskomitee im Café Bazar, 11. August 1922
Founding Committee in Café Bazar, 11 August 1922
Übersicht der jährlichen IGNM-Feste & der Weltmusiktage, 1922–2023
List of Annual ISCM Festivals & World New Music Days, 1922–2023
Als die „Neue Musik“ neu war
When “New Music” was New
Giles Masters (Oxford)
Eine verhängnisvolle Wahrnehmung: Juden & moderne Musik
A Fatal Perception: Jews & Modern Music
Michael Haas (Oxford / Wien)
Wendepunkt 1922: Festspielstadt & Friedensprojekte
Turning Point 1922: Festival City & Peace Projects
Matthew Werley (Salzburg)
1922. Internationale Kammermusik-Aufführungen in Salzburg
1922. International Chamber Music Performances in Salzburg
Hartmut Krones (Wien)
Zwischen Salzburg & London: Die Feste 1923 & 1924
Between Salzburg & London: The 1923 & 1924 Festivals
Barbara L. Kelly (Leeds)
Das IGNM-Fest 1952 in Salzburg: Ein Anfang, ein Ende oder ein Krimi ohne Anfang und Ende?
The 1952 ISCM Festival in Salzburg: A Beginning, an End or a Mystery without Beginning or End?
Frank J. Oteri (New York City)
Wien 1932, 1961 & 2013: Von Vierteltönen & Fischen auf Prozac
Vienna 1932, 1961 & 2013: Of Quartertones & Fish on Prozac
Stefan Kloiber (Graz)
Graz 1972 & 1982: Zwischen organisatorischen Impulsen, kritischem Widerstand & Generationenkonf likten
Graz 1972 & 1982: Between Organisational Impulses, Critical Resistance & Generational Conflicts
Cristina Scuderi (Graz)
Die Länder-Sektionen
The Regional Sections
Bruno Strobl (Wien)
Verbot unter dem Nationalsozialismus: Der Ständige Rat für die internationale
Zusammenarbeit der Komponisten: eine existenzielle Bedrohung für die IGNM?
Ban under National Socialism: The Permanent Council for International Cooperation of
Composers: an Existential Threat to the ISCM?
Erik Levi (London)
Rudolf Réti & Egon Wellesz: Die vergessenen Gründerväter der IGNM
Rudolf Réti & Egon Wellesz: The Forgotten Founders of the ISCM
Hannes Heher (Wien)
Angelsächsische Haltungen & die Präsidenten der IGNM:
Edward J. Dent, Edwin Evans & Edward Clark
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes & ISCM Presidents:
Edward J. Dent, Edwin Evans & Edward Clark
Karen Arrandale (Cambridge)
Der Nordstern der IGNM: Pauline Hall & die Gründung von Norwegens Ny Musikk
The ISCM’s North Star: Pauline Hall & the Establishment of Norway’s Ny Musikk
Astrid Kvalbein (Oslo)
Verlage & Propaganda: die Universal-Edition & die Musikblätter des Anbruch
Publishers & Propaganda: Universal Edition & Musikblätter des Anbruch
Stephanie Franklin (Oxford)
Meilensteine, Uraufführungen & bemerkenswerte Skandale
Milestones, Premieres & Notable Scandals
Laura Tunbridge (Oxford)
Eine Institutionengeschichte der IGNM von der Peripherie aus: Die IGNM aus mittel- und
osteuropäischer Perspektive
An Institutional History of the ISCM from the Periphery: The ISCN from a Central- and
Eastern-European Perspective
Rūta Stanevičiūtė (Vilnius)
Teil der strategischen Planung: Wolfgang Steinecke, die Darmstädter Ferienkurse & ihr
Verhältnis zur IGNM in der Frühphase des Internationalen Musikinstituts Darmstadt
Part of a Strategic Plan: Wolfgang Steinecke, the Darmstadt Summer Courses & their
Relationship to the ISCM during the Early Phase of the International Music Institute in
Thomas Schäfer (Darmstadt)
Kartographie Neue Musik
Cartography Contemporary Music
Stefan Fricke (Frankfurt am Main)
Neue Musik in Neuseeland, oder nau mai haere mai (Begrüßung) der IGNM in Aotearoa
New Music in New Zealand, or nau mai haere mai (Welcoming) the ISCM to Aotearoa
Gillian Karawe Whitehead (Auckland)
Das Neue als globales Hören
The New as Global Listening
Daniel K.L. Chua (Hong Kong)
Liste der konsultierten Archive und Privatbestände | List of Consulted
Archives and Private Holdings
Literatur | Literature

Rebecca Diependaele