1988 Hong Kong
Oct 22, 1988 – Oct 29, 1988
Hong Kong
Festival info
Start: Oct 22, 1988
End: Oct 29, 1988
Locations: Hong Kong
Hosting member(s)

Doming Lam, chair
Chou Wen-chung
Brian Ferneyhough
Tōru Takemitsu
(The jury was originally supposed to additionally include Peter Sculthorpe, but he had to withdraw.)
Saturday, 22 October 1988 at 8:00pm – Hong Kong Philharmonic conducted by Kenneth Schermerhorn in the City Hall Concert Hall
Chang Wing-wah (Hong Kong, b. 1954): Transit for orchestra (1988) [10′] [world premiere];
Dario Maggi (Italy, b. 1944): Projetto traki, 2 pieces for orchestra;
Isao Matsushita (Japan, b. 1951; d. 2018): Toki-no-ito II (Threads of Time II) for piano and orchestra (1986-87) [20′] featuring pianist Ritsuko Tsuchiya;
Detlev Müller-Siemens (West Germany, b. 1957; currently based in Switzerland and Austria): Lieder und Pavanen [text: Franz Kafka] for Tenor and orchestra (1984-85) [30′] featuring tenor Peter Hall;
Daniel Börtz (Sweden, b. 1943): Oboe Concerto (1987) [17′] featuring oboist Helen Jahren;
Man-bang Yi (South Korea, b. 1945): Mudang for orchestra (1982).
Sunday, 23 October 1988 at 3:00pm – Music Theatre in the Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts (A.P.A.)
Hans Werner Henze (West Germany, b. 1926; d. 2012): El Cimarrón for Baritone, flute, guitar and percussion (1969-70) [76′] performed by Michael Rippon (Baritone), Tim Wilson (flute), Clarence Mak (guitar), and Lung Heung-wing (percussion).
Sunday. 23 October 1988 at 5:00pm – chamber music concert in the Recital Hall, A.P.A.
Tim Wilson (Hong Kong, b. in the United States): Scattered Shadows for guqin;
Chung Nahm-hee (South Korea): Reflections for 2 pianos and 2 percussionists;
Jens-Peter Ostendorf (West Germany, b. 1944; d. 2006): Tempus Ex Machina for 2 pianos and 3 percussionists (1984) [17′];
Chou Wen-chung (United States, b. 1923 in China; d. 2019): Yün (Reverberations) (1969) [15′];
Chinary Ung (United States, b. 1942 in Cambodia): Spiral for violoncello, piano, and percussion (1987) [14′];
Bun-Ching Lam (United States^, b. 1954 in Macao): After Spring for two pianos (1983) [15′].
(^ NOTE: Listed in the official program book as a submission from Hong Kong.)
Sunday, 23 October 1988, at 8:00pm – Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra conducted by Kuan Nai-chung in the City Hall Concert Hall
Chan Pui-fang a.k.a. Chen Peixun (Hing Kong, b. 1921; d. 2007 in the People’s Republic of China): Liushui (Flowing Water) for Chinese instrument orchestra (1977) [12′];
Doming Lam (Hong Kong, b. 1926 in Macau): Autumn Execution for Chinese instrument orchestra (1978) [18′];
Qu Xiaosong (People’s Republic of China, b. 1952): Song of Deities, concerto for Chinese wind instruments and Chinese instrument orchestra (1987);
Richard Tsang (Hong Kong, b. 1952): Three Meditations for Chinese instrument orchestra (1982);
Kuan Nai-chung (Hong Kong, b. 1939 in China): Journey to Lhasa for Chinese instrument orchestra;
Hsu Po-yun (Taiwan, b. 1944 in Japan): Tien Yuan (The Root of Heaven) for Chinese instrument orchestra.
Monday, 24 October 1988 at 1:00pm+ – Fixed Media Electroacoustic Presentation in the Studio Foyer, A.P.A.
Ian Fredericks (Australia, b. 1943; d. 2001) Sunrise (1986) [11′];
Paul Hayes (Ireland, b. 1951): The Ice Queen;
Kaija Saariaho (Finland, b. 1952, based in France; d. 2023 in France): Jardin Secret I (1985) [10′];
Tomás Ungváry (Sweden, b. 1936 in Hungary; d. 2024): Gypsy Children’s Giant Dance (1986) [18′];
Alistair MacDonald (United Kingdom [Scotland], b. 1962): (inter)play (1987) [11′];
Barbara Zawadzka (Poland, b. 1951): Greya (1987);
Yayoi Bitoh (Japan, b. 1956): Yama no hen’yō (Metamorphosis of Mountain) (1988) [22′];
Daniel V Oppenheim (Israel, b. 1954; currently based in the United States): Round the Corners of Purgatory (1987) [26′];
László Dubrovay (Hungary, b. 1943): Symphonia (1984-86) [24′];
Fernand Vandenbogaerde (France, b. 1946): Librations (1983) [23′];
Vladan Radovanović (Yugoslavia [Serbia], b. 1932): Timbral (1988) [9′];
Peter Beyls (Belgium [Flanders], b. 1950): Life and Times of Oscar (1985);
Stanislaw Krupowicz (Poland, b. 1952): Tako rzecze Bosch (Thus Spake Bosch) (1985) [14′].
(+ NOTE: This program was additionally presented on Wednesday 26 October 1988 between 1:00 and 2:00 pm and between 4:30 and 6:00pm)
Monday, 24 October 1988 at 3:00pm – pianist Yvar Mikhashoff in the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Philip Glass (United States, b. 1937): Opening for solo piano (1981) [4′];
Richard Rijnvos (Netherlands, b. 1964): Study in Five Parts for solo piano (1986-87) [15′];
Per Nørgård (Denmark, b. 1932): Achilles and the Tortoise for solo piano (1983) [10′];
Ye Xiaogang (People’s Republic of China, b. 1955): Ballade for solo piano (1987) [6′] [world premiere];
Jo Kondo (Japan, b. 1947): Tango Mnemonic for solo piano (1984) [3′];
Ralph Shapey (United States, b. 1921; d. 2002): Tango Variations on a Cantus for solo piano (1984) [3′];
Conlon Nancarrow (Mexico, b. 1912 in the United States; d. 1997): Tango? for solo piano (1983) [3′].
Monday, 24 October 1988 at 8:00pm – EXVOCO (Expanded Voice Company) in the Concert Hall, A.P.A.
Michel Seuphor (France, b. 1901 in Belgium [Flanders]; d. 1999): Tout en roulant les RR (1927) [3′];
Erik Satie (France, 1866-1925): “Je te veux” [lyrics: Henry Pacory] (1897?, publ. 1903) [4′];
Klaus Hinrich Stahmer (West Germany, b. 1941): Voices to B. *;
Erik Satie (France): Chansons d’Amour a.k.a. Trois poèmes d’amour (1914) [3′];
Recitation of Filippo T. Marinetti‘s Parole in libertà (1924) *;
Mathias Spahlinger (West Germany, b. 1944): Verfluchung for 3 vocalists with wooden percussion instruments (1983/85) [33′]
Thomas Lauck (France, b. 1943): Corinthians 1:13;
Group improvisation: Atemklang (sound of breath) *;
Recitation of Guillaume Appolinaire‘s “Montparnasse” *;
An interpretation of El Lissitsky‘s image Pro dva quadrata (1920) *;
John Cage (United States, b. 1912; d. 1992): Song Books I-II (1970) [variable duration];
Erik Satie (France): “La Diva de l’Empire” [lyrics: Dominique Bonnaud and Numa Blès] (1904) ‘[3’].
(* not listed by Slonimsky)
Tuesday, 25 October 1988 at 3:00pm – contemporary music from the People’s Republic of China in the Concert Hall A.P.A.
Zhang Dalong (People’s Republic of China, b. 1952): Warring Drums;
Gao Weijie (People’s Republic of China, b. 1938): Autumn Wilderness for solo piano (1987) [8′];
Wu Shaoxiong (People’s Republic of China, b. 1955): Reminiscing the Moon;
Cui Wen Yu (People’s Republic of China, b. 1952): Quartet Yun;
Cao Guangping (People’s Republic of China, b. 1942): Nuwa for prepared piano and 19 instruments (1987);
Zhao Xiaosheng (People’s Republic of China, b. 1945): Taiji;
Zu Jiangiang (People’s Republic of China): Sketches of an Amusement Park;
Luo Zhongrong (People’s Republic of China, b. 1924; d. 2021): “Morning Glory” for voice and piano (1981);
Luo Zhongrong: “Dusk” for voice and piano (1984);
Luo Zhongrong: Goddess of the Moon;
Tan Dun (United States, b. 1957 in the People’s Republic of China): In Distance for piccolo, harp, and bass drum (1987) [10′].
Tuesday, 25 October 1988, at 5:00pm – pianist Yvar Mikhashoff in the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Lukas Foss (United States, b. 1922 in Germany; d. 2009): Solo for piano (1981) [13′];
Young Shui-ting (Hong Kong, b. 1931; d. 1996): The Tide for solo piano (1988?) [world premiere];
Chris Dench (Australia, b. 1953 in the United Kingdom [England]): Topologies for solo piano (1980) [12′];
Morton Feldman (United States, 1926-1987): Palais de Mari for solo piano (1986) [20′];
Frederic Rzewski (United States {based in Belgium [Wallonia]}, b. 1938; d. 2021 in Italy): Piano Piece No. 4 (1977) [7′].
Tuesday, 25 October 1988, at 8:00pm – Hong Kong Ensemble in the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Luis Naón (Argentina, b. 1961; now based in France): Tango del Desamparo for violoncello, piano, and fixed media electronic sounds (1987) [14′];
Giulio Castagnoli (Italy, b. 1958): Trio II for flute, bass clarinet, and harp (1987) [9′];
James Primosch (United States, b. 1956; d. 2021): Icons for clarinet, piano, and fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [14′];
Albert Llanas Rich (Spain [Catalonia], b. 1957): BXR 6 (1985);
Pál Rózsa (Hungary, b. 1946): Introduction and Capriccio, op. 79 (1985) [7′] for horn solo with flute, clarinet, percussion, violin, viola, and violoncello;
Jay Alan Yim (United States, b. 1958): Moments of Rising Mist for flute/alto flute, clarinet, harp, percussion, piano/celesta, violin, and violoncello (1984-86) [12′];
Yinam Leef (Israel, b. 1953): A Place of Fire [text: Zelda] for Mezzo-soprano with oboe/Cor Anglais, clarinet/bass clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, percussion, piano, harp, violin, violoncello, and double-bass (1985) [18′] featuring Mezzo-soprano Hanna Aurbacher.
Wednesday, 26 October 1988 at 5:00pm – Asian Composers League Young Composers Concert in the Concert Hall, A.P.A.
? Lam Shun (Hong Kong): Reminiscence;
? Jonathan B. Hayag (Philippines): In Memory of Ben Pangoshan;
? Yeung Kam-fung (Taiwan): The Unsent Letter;
Gareth Farr (New Zealand, b. 1968): Music from a High Altitude for clarinet, violoncello, piano, and percussion (1988) [12′];
Masataka Matsuo (Japan, b. 1959): Distraction for clarinet and piano (1987) [9′];
Mo Wuping (People’s Republic of China, b. 1958; d. 1993): Sacrificial Rites in the Village for string quartet (1985) [9′];
Peter Myers (Australia): Of Mind and Minds, septet for clarinet/bass clarinet, violin, viola, doublebass, mandolin, guitar (doubling percussion), and percussion (1987) [16′].
Wednesday, 26 October 1988 at 7:00pm * – music performance event in the Main Foyer, A.P.A.
José Maceda (Philippines, b. 1917; d. 2004): Suling-Suling for 10 flutes, 10 buzzers, and 10 flat gongs (1985) [22′] featuring HK student performers.
(* The time given here is what appears in the festival program booklet but it is listed by Slonimsky as an early afternoon performance.)
( Wednesday, 26 October 1988 at 8:00pm – violoncellist Siegfried Palm and pianist Zygmunt Krauze in recital at the Drama Theatre, A.P.A. **
Anton Webern (Austria, 1883-1945): Two Pieces for violoncello and piano (1899) [5′];
Anton Webern: Sonata for violoncello and piano (1914) [2′];
Anton Webern: Three Small Pieces for violoncello and piano, op. 11 (1914) [3′];
Tomás Marco (Spain, b. 1942): Maya for violoncello and piano (1968-69) [variable duration];
György Ligeti (Austria/Hungary, b. 1923 in Romania; d. 2006): Sonata (Dialogo e Capriccio) for unaccompanied violoncello (1948-53) [8′];
Kurt Schwertsik (Austria, b. 1935): Five Nocturnes, op. 10b for solo piano (1964) [7′];
Giacinto Scelsi (Italy, b. 1905; d. 1988): To the Master for solo piano (1974) [14′];
Mauricio Kagel (West Germany, b. 1931 in Argentina; d. 2008): Unguis incarnatus est for piano and … (1972) [6′].
** Though listed in the official program book and listed by Slonimsky, according to a handwritten annotation in a copy of the official program book, this concert was cancelled and did not take place.)
Thursday, 27 October 1988 at 3:00pm – Asian Composers League concert performed by the Hong Kong Ensemble at the Drama Theatre A.P.A.
David Farquhar (New Zealand, b. 1928; d. 2007): Writing on the Sand [text: haiku by Raydia d’Elsa] (1987) [9′];
? Kim Dong-su (South Korea): Sous-Entendu;
Makota Shinohara (Japan, b. 1931; d. 2024): Passage for stereo-amplified bass flute (1980) [12′];
Shin’ichirō Ikebe (Japan, b. 1943): Trivalence II for clarinet, violoncello, and harpsichord (1974) [13′];
Law Wing-fai (Hong Kong, b. 1949 in the People’s Republic of China): Sun Soundic for flute, clarinet, violin , violoncello, piano, percussion, and fixed media electronic sounds;
Clarence Mak (Hong Kong, b. 1959): Death Be Not Proud [text: John Donne] for Mezzo-soprano, flute, and 2-channel fixed media electronic sounds;
Leong Yoon Pin (Singapore, b. 1931; d. 2011): Sketches for oboe and piano (1985) [12′];
Takehito Shimazu (Japan, b. 1949): Territory II for objectified piano (1987) [14′].
Thursday, 27 October 1988 at 5:00pm – organ recital by Paul Griffiths in the Concert Hall, A.P.A.
Ulrich Gasser (Switzerland, b. 1950): Zum Lied der Weisheit for solo organ (1982) [5′];
Tzeng Shing-kwei (Taiwan, b. 1946): Lunhui (Reincarnation) for solo organ (1986);
Harue Kunieda (Japan, b. 1958): Elevation III for solo organ (1986) [12′];
David Gwilt (Hong Kong, b. 1932 in the United Kingdom [Scotland]): Recitative, Aria, and Chorale for solo organ (1988) [9′];
Daniel Law (Hong Kong, b. 1946): Prelude/Postlude on “Wer Nur Den Lieben Gott” for solo organ (based on a 1657 hymn by Georg Neumark) (1988) [5′];
Ma Shui-lung (Taiwan, b. 1939; d. 2015): Toccata and Fugue for solo organ.
(The following additional works were listed in the official program book and are also cited by Slonimsky, but were not performed according to a handwritten note in a copy of the program book;
David Eagle (Canada, b. 1955): Strahlen for solo organ (1983) [8′];
Dieter Mack (West Germany, b. 1954): Pusat for organ with fixed media electronic sounds [17′] from Orgelzyklus (1984-87).)
Thursday, 27 October 1988 at 8:00pm – Arditti Quartet at the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Kimmo Hakola (Finland, b. 1958): String Quartet (No. 1) (1985-86) [20′];
Gavin Bryars (United Kingdom [England], b. 1943): String Quartet No. 1 ‘Between the National and the Bristol’ (1985) [23′];
Brian Ferneyhough (United States, b. 1943 in the United Kingdom [England]): String Quartet No. 3 (1987) [18′];
György Ligeti (Austria/Hungary, b. 1923 in Romania; d. 2006): String Quartet No. 2 (1968) [21′].
Friday, 28 October 1988 at 4:30pm – Arditti Quartet at the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Liza Lim (Australia, b. 1966): Pompes Funebres for string quartet (1987) [12′]:
Akira Nishimura (Japan, b. 1953): Heterophony for string quartet (1975 rev. 1987) [14′] [world premiere of revised version];
Pan Hwang-long (Taiwan, b. 1945): String Quartet No. 3 (1981) [13′];
Iannis Xenakis (France/Greece, b. 1922 in Romania; d. 2001): Tetras for string quartet (1983) [15′].
Friday, 28 October 1988 at 8:00pm – Messiaen Quartet and others at the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Gérard Grisey (France, b. 1946; d. 1998): Talea for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, and piano (1986) [17′];
Tatsuhiko Nishioka (Japan): Music for Six Performers;
Anne Boyd (Australia, b. 1946): Red Sun – Chill Wind for flute and piano (1980) [8′];
Olivier Messiaen (France, b. 1908; d. 1992): Quatuor pour le fin du temps (Quartet for the End of Times) for clarinet, violin, violoncello, and piano (1941) [50′].
Saturday, 29 October 1988 at 3:00pm – Hong Kong Ensemble at the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Giorgos Koumendakis (Greece, b. 1959): Symmolpa IV for oboe, clarinet, horn, violin, viola, violoncello, doublebass, piano, and 2 percussionists (1984) [13′];
Alexina Louie (Canada, b. 1949): Music for a Thousand Autumns for chamber orchestra (1983) [16′];
Șerban Nichifor (Romania, b. 1954): Carnyx for unaccompanied clarinet (1984) [4′];
Brenton Broadstock (Australia, b. 1952): Beast from Air for trombone and percussion (1985) [11′];
Alessandro Melchiorre (Italy, b. 1951): Fables that Time Invents for flute, clarinet, viola, doublebass, piano, and percussion (1986) [13′];
Rolf Wallin (Norway, b. 1957): “… though what made it has gone” [text: Osip Mandelstam] for Mezzo-soprano and piano (1987) [15′].
Saturday, 29 October 1988 at 5:30pm – Messiaen Quartet at the Drama Theatre, A.P.A.
Karen Tanaka (Japan, b. 1961; now based in the United States): Tristesse for flute, violin, and piano (1983);
Gérard Pesson (France, b. 1958): Nocturnes en quatuor for clarinet, violin, violoncello, and piano (1987) [11′];
Hjálmar H. Ragnarsson (Iceland, b. 1952): Romanza for flute, clarinet, and piano (1981) [16′];
Uroš Rojko (Yugoslavia [Slovenia], b. 1954): Tongen for half-clarinet, violin, and piano (1986) [18′];
Arnold Schoenberg (Austria/United States 1974-1951): ???;
Harrison Birtwistle (United Kingdom [England], b. 1934; d. 2022): ???;
Gilbert Amy (France, b. 1936): ???.
Saturday, 29 October 1988 at 8:00pm – Tokyo Philharmonic conducted by Tadaaki Otaka in the City Hall Concerthall
Helmut Lachenmann (West Germany, b. 1935): Staub for orchestra (1985-87) [23′];
Simon Holt (United Kingdom [England], b. 1958): Syrensong for orchestra (1987) [16′];
Krzysztof Penderecki (Poland): Tren Ofiarom Hiroszimy (Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima) for 52 strings (1961) [9′];
Tōru Takemitsu (Japan, b. 1930; d. 1996): Orion and Pleiades for violoncello and orchestra (1984) [26′].
The following additional works were chosen by the jury but were not performed
James Dillon (United Kingdom): Helle Nacht;
Keith Gifford (United Kingdom): Late Snow;
Volke Heyne (West Germany): Sandwich Gare de l’Est;
Klaus Hubler (West Germany): Aria Dissolute;
Anders Nillson (Sweden): Ariel;
Fausto Romitelli (Italy): Ganimede;
Takehito Shimazu (Japan): Segmente;
Klas Torstenssohn (Israel): Saxophone Quartet.
Nicolas Slonimsky, Music Since 1900, Sixth Edition edited by Laura Kuhn (Schirmer Reference, 2001), pp. 756-758.
(annotated by Frank J. Oteri, in progress)