2006 Stuttgart
Jul 14, 2006 – Jul 29, 2006
Festival info
Start: Jul 14, 2006
End: Jul 29, 2006
Locations: Stuttgart
Hosting member(s)

From contemporaneous reviews:
“Even before the festival began, there were mass grumblings from the delegates about the widespread lack of programming of works submitted by the sections (only ca 7% of the works programmed came from the international submissions made by the sections). When asked about this situation, festival organizers replied that it would have been a very boring festival if they had programmed more of the works submitted by the sections. If this is the case then the ISCM has done a very poor job of selecting sections. But perhaps the problem lies elsewhere. It is no coincidence that the recent World Music Days festivals held in Hong Kong and Croatia had a much more varied aesthetics representation than those in Switzerland or Germany, not to mention works submitted by the sections. It seems that geography and aesthetic prejudices go hand in hand.”
— Orlando Jacinto Garcia, “The ISCM died last week at 90 (actually 85) – and then began to slowly rise from its ashes,”
World New Music Magazine 17 (2007), p. 77.
“With the theme of Grenzenlos, or Without Borders, the ISCM World New Music Festival 2006 was a very successful mega event of 16 days…. I could see that the organizer tried very hard to produce a balanced programme of pieces of various musical types and styles written by composers of as many nationalities as possible. Programming is always the most difficult issue to deal with; one just cannot please everyone, because musical tastes may be more diversified than human languages and dialects.”
— Joshua Chan, “A successful mega event – but as an ISCM festival there is room for improvement,”
World New Music Magazine 17 (2007), pp. 86-91.
Curated by Christine Fischer
Julio Estrada
(This information is in the process of being gathered.)
* section submission; + individual submission
Friday, 14 July 2006 – SWR Stuttgart Radio Sym Orch / Lucas Vis @ Theaterhaus T1
Helena Tulve (Estonia, b. 1972): Sula {orch} (1999) [19’] *;
Jukka Tiensuu (Finland, b. 1948): Spiriti {acc,orch} (2005) [20’] +;
Amr Okba (Austria, b. 1972 in Egypt): The Book of Going Forth by Day {Mz,T,B,orch,didg?} (2006) [44’] WP.
Saturday, 15 July 2006 at 11:00am – ensemble recherche @ Theaterhaus T2
Marcelo Toledo (United States, b. 1960 in Argentina): Resplandecencias de la nada {7} (2002) [13’];
Bart Vanhecke (Belgium [Flanders], b. 1964): Dans l’eau du songe {bcl,vc,pf} (2005) [12’];
Xu Shuya (France, b. 1961 in the People’s Republic of China): In Nomine {fl,strio,claves} (2001) [4’];
Jo Kondo (Japan, b. 1947): In Nomine (Berceuse a la Lesniewski) {pf} (2006) [3’] WP;
Jef Chippewa (Germany, b. 1969 in Canada): In Nomine {P6+ob,va} (2003-04) [5’];
Klaus Huber (Switzerland, b. 1924; d. 2017 in Italy): Des Dichters Pflug for string trio (1989) [14’];
Dai Fujikura (United Kingdom, b. 1977 in Japan): Okeanos Breeze {koto,sho,obmcl,va,antique cymb,ocean drum} (2001) [9’] *.
Saturday, 15 July 2006 at 3:00pm – Arditti Quartet @ Theaterhaus T2
Sunghi Hong (South Korea, b. 1973)f: SQt2 (2005) [8’] +;
Evis Sammoutis (Cyprus, b. 1979): Dimorphism (in memoriam GScelsi) {2vn} (2003) [16’] +;
Rolf Wallin (Norway, b. 1957): Concerning King (2006) [20’] WP;
Matthew Barnson (United States, b. 1975) SQt2 (2005) [9’];
Luca Francesconi (Italy, b. 1956): Quarto Quartetto – I voli di Niccolò (2004) [21’].
Saturday, 15 July 2006 at 7:00pm – Staatsoper Stuttgart / Kwamé Ryan @ Stuttgart Opera House
Gérard Pesson (France, b. 1958): Pastorale {opera} (2006) [1h45’].
Saturday, 15 July 2006 at 9:30pm – Forum Neues Musiktheater
Fausto Romitelli (Italy, 1963-2004): An Index of Metals for soprano, ensemble and three video screens (2003) [60’] performed by Barbara Hannigan with ensemble musikFabrik conducted by Andre de Ridder.
Sunday, 16 July 2006 at 11:00am – Ensemble Modern @ Theaterhaus T2
Yaeko Asano (Japan, b. 1980)f: Berg, Stern, Stein – Sonne {ens} (2005/06) [13’];
Lin Wang (People’s Republic of China, b. 1978)f: Jawohl “Herr Präsident”! I am here!!! [Text: e.e. cummings] {V,N+8} (2005) [15’];
Ludger Kisters (b1975): In between, and further {fl,vn,live~} (2006) [13’];
Eduardo Moguillansky (Germany, b. 1977 in Argentina): Límites {tp+ens} (2005) [7’] featuring Valentin Garvie;
Berkant Genckal (Türkiye, b. 1978): 2 Views Orient {ww,pf,perc} (2003) [9’] *;
Silvina Milstein (Argentina, b. 1956)f: Tigres Azules {15} (2003) [18’] +;
Julian Anderson (United Kingdom [England], b. 1967): Book of Hours {20,live~} (2002-04) +.
Sunday, 16 July 2006 at 5:00pm – Irvine Arditti, vn; Heather O’Donnell, pf; Ari Ben-Shabetai, DJ @ Theaterhaus T2
Oscar Carmona (Chile, b. 1975): Nebula VII for unaccompanied prepared violin (2004) [14’];
Claude Lenners (Luxembourg, b. 1956): Apollo for unaccompanied violin [8’];
Ari Ben-Shabetai (Israel, b. 1954): Deus ex Machina for violin and DJ (2004) [15’] featuring the composer operating live electronics;
Walter Zimmermann (Germany, b. 1949): Wüstenwanderung for piano (1986) [21’].
* György Ligeti (Austria/Hungary [Romania] 1923-June 12, 2006): Etude (??? unidentified)
[The Ligeti work was added at the end of concert as a memorial and was not listed in the program.]
Sunday, 16 July 2006 at 8:00pm @ Theaterhaus T1
Julio Estrada (Mexico, b. 1943): Murmillos del páramo [based on Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Páramo] music theatre for vocal soloists accompaned by guitar, doublebass, and percussion (1992-2006) [105’] performed by the Neue Vocalsoloisten and instrumentalists including doublebassist Stefano Scodanibbio.
Monday, 17 July 2006 at 12:30pm – Isao Nakamura Ens @ Theaterhaus T2
Jongwoo Yim (South Korea, b. 1966): Sept Matériaux {S,cl,2perc} (2003) [9’] (Rita Balta,S; Nicola Miorada, cls) *;
Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece, b. 1974): Paranormal {3snare drums} (2003) [7’] *;
Cergio Prudencio (Bolivia, b. 1955): A la sombra de la Higuera {4perc} [16’].
Monday, 17 July 2006 at 8:15pm – Ives Ensemble @ Theaterhaus T2
Daniel Matej (Slovakia, b. 1963): Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten seyn {P5} (1999/2000) [2’];
Christopher Fox (United Kingdom [England], b. 1955): A slice through Translucence {P6} (2005) [7’];
Marko Nikodijevic (Serbia, b. 1980): Gesualdo Transcriptions III – o vos omnes {P6+va,~} (2005) [13’];
Richard Rijnvos (Netherlands, b. 1964): ‘Cross Broadway {pf} (2005) [9’] performed by John Snijders;
Daniel Matej: 4 Waltzes for Walter {4} (1999) [7’];
David Young (Australia, b. 1969): A Leaf from the Book of Cities {cl,strio,pf,perc,tba} (2006) [7’] WP;
Piet-Jan van Rossum (Netherlands, b. 1966): Annette dans l’atélier {tba,4vn,va,vc,~} (1997-98/2004) [26’] *.
Tuesday, 18 July 2006 at 1:00pm – Ensemble INTER-ART @ Kunstmuseum
Miheala Stanculescu-Vosganian (Romania, b. 1961): Sogni tra suoni (Sounds through dreams) {vc,pf,acc,piri,hun,Asian perc,~, ¥} [16’].
Tuesday, 18 July 2006 at 6:00pm – Elastic 3 etc @ Kunstmuseum
Fausto Romitelli: Seascape {dbrec+ampl} (1994);
Claire-Mélanie Sinnhuber (France, b. 1973)f: Revers {dbrec,e-gt,~} (2006);
Agostino di Scipio (Italy, b. 1962): Veille, Surveille {e-gt,vdg,~} (2005);
Eva Reiter (Austria, b. 1976)f: Nasszelle {dbrec,~} (2006);
Paolo Pachini (Italy, b. 1964): Elastically Pink – Hommage an FRomitelli {e-gt,vdg,~} (2004);
Francesco Filidei (France, b. 1973 in Italy): Trio Sonata detta “la pachina” {vdg,fkgt,~comp} (2006) [9’].
Tuesday, 18 July 2006 at 8:00pm – musikFabrik / Johannes Debus @ Theaterhaus T2
Sergej Newski (Russia, b. 1972): Blick aus der Entferning (lacrimosa minus one) {ens} (2006) [9’] WP +;
Martin Smolka (Czech Republic, b. 1959): Solitudo for guitar, harp, piano, violoncello, percussion, and winds (2003) [14’];
Vykintas Baltakas (Lithuania, b. 1972): Ouroboros for oboe, soprano saxophone, flute, clarinet, and 3 violins (2004);
Thoma Simaku (Albania, b. 1958): Réflexions de la Croix III {vn,ens} (2004) featuring violinist Hannah Weirich.
Tuesday, 18 July 2006 at 10:00pm in the Chill-Out Lounge @ Kunstmuseum
9 TBA ~ compositions [3-8’].
Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 1:00pm – Quartet New Generation @ Kunstmuseum
Andrea Fontemaggi (b1971): Zukunftsmusik II (2006) [7’] WP (mvts done separately);
Michiel Mensingh (Netherlands, b. 1975): Wicked (2001) [5’];
Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri (Greece, b. 1974)f: Still life (2003) [8’];
Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine, b. 1966)f: Pagode-Vision {4rec,~} (2006) [10’] WP;
Chiel Meijering (Netherlands, b. 1954): Sitting Ducks (1991) [7’].
Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 5:30pm @ Klett Verlag Rotebühlstraße 77
Dror Feiler (Sweden, b. 1951 in Israel): Avenir! Avenir! {music theater} (2006) () WP.
Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 8:00pm – Ensemble Antipodes @ Theaterhaus T2
Suren Soronzonbold (b1958MN): Kheseg {octet} (2006) [5’] WP;
Jeroen Speak (New Zealand, b. 1969): Silk Dialogue V (Grey Orchid) {octet} (2006) [13’] WP;
Yosvanu Quintero (Cuba, b. 1973): Las danzas de lagarto {octet} (2006) [20’] WP;
Chan Wing Wah (Hong Kong SAR of the People’s Republic of China, b. 1954): The Flying Apsaras {sqt} (2006) [8’] WP;
Junghae Lee (South Korea, b. 1964 in Japan)f: Infiltration II {octet} (2006) [8’] WP.
Thursday, 20 July 2006 afternoon concert by the Insomnio Ensemble [Netherlands] in the Sound Dome at the ZKM (Karlsruhe)
Magnus Lindberg (Finland): unidentified early work for ensemble with fixed media electronic sounds
Roderick de Man (Netherlands): unidentifed work for ensemble with fixed media electronic sounds
Györgi Ligeti: unidentifed early work for fixed media electronic sounds
Roderick de Man; unidentifed work for fixed media electronic sounds
Ludger Brömmel: Glasharfe for fixed media electronic sounds
(The above concert attended by the delegates was described in the festival reports by Orlando Jacinto Garcia and Joshua Chan but is not listed in the program.)
Thursday, 20 July 2006 at 1:00pm – Dorcas Müller & Robin Hoffmann @ Kunstmuseum
Dorcas Müller (Germany, b. 1973) & Robin Hoffmann (Germany, b. 1970): Œhr für Hören Solo {+¥installation} (2006) %%.
Thursday, 20 July 2006 at 8:00pm – Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin / Titus Engel @ Theaterhaus T2
Shi-Rui Zhu (People’s Republic of China, b. 1959): In Umbra {2V,vc+12} (2001) [35’] (Herman Wallèn, Bar; Cosima Gerhardt, vc) +;
Chico Mello (Brazil, b. 1957): das árvores II {9} (1999/2006) [25’] WP;
Arthur Kampela (United States, b. 1966 in Brazil): Antropofagia {e-gt+16} [25’] featuring Wiek Hijmans, e-gt WP;
Friday, 21 July 2006 at 1:00pm – Mario Caroli, fl @ Kunstmuseum
Klaus K. Hübler (Germany, b. 1956): Palimpsest {bfl} (1989/2003) [10’] +;
Pawel Lukaszewski (Poland, b. 1968): MOAI {fl} (2004) [4’];
Mirtru Escalona-Mijares (Venezuela, b. 1976): Cinco Transfiguraciones Llanas {fl} (2004) [7’];
Tadeusz Wielecki (b1954LP): Thésis {fl} (2001) [7’];
Stefano Scodanibbio (Italy, b. 1956; d. 2012 in Mexico): Ritorno a Cartagena {bfl} (2001) [10’] +.
Friday, 21 July 2006 at 7:00pm – ensemble mosaic / Enno Poppe @ Theaterhaus T2
Elena Mendoza López (Spain, b. 1973)f: Akt Zeichnung {Bar,dbcl,tp,tbn,vn,vc,ampl pf} (2005) [10’] (Guillermo Anzorena, Bar);
László Tihanyi (Hungary, b1956): Summer Music {6} (1992) [11’];
Germán Toro-Pérez (Austria, b. 1964 in Colombia): Stadtplan von New York (from music by Adolf Wölfli) {15} (2001) [12’] *;
Luís Antunes Pena (Portugal, b. 1973): Anatomia de um Poema Sonora {V,N,asx,pf,perc,live~} (2003-04) [11’] * (Mafalda de Lemos, S; Fabian Sattler, N);
Lars Indrek Hansson (Sweden, b. 1964): Flicksphony {9+~} (2006) [12’] WP.
Friday, 21 July 2006 at 8:30pm – Staatsorchester Stuttgart / Johannes Debus @ Pariser Platz
Younghi Pagh-Paan (Germany, b. 1945 in Korea): Mondschatten {music theater} (2002-05) [Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonos] [70’] featuring soprano Katarina Rikus and tenor Nigel Robson [WP].
Friday, 21 July 2006 from 10:00pm to 2:00am – electroacoustic @ Theaterhaus T3
Susanne Skog (Sweden, b1965)f: 050601. My Friends ~ (2006) [10’];
Frank Niehusmann (Germany, b. 1960): Day Tracks 1 ~ (2005) [9’];
Ralf Hoyer (Germany, b. 1950): Aufschlag {3channel~noise+¥} (2002) [12’];
Jan Jacob Hofmann (Germany, b. 1966): Condensations ~ (2001) [9’];
Byong-Moo Lee (South Korea): Sigma Point {4channel~} [13’];
BOV {Michael Harenberg (Germany, b. 1961), Ernesto Molinari (Switzerland, b. 1956) & Daniel Weissberg (Switzerland, b. 1954)}: Live Improvisation {analog~,dbcl,digital~} (2005) [12’];
Sciss a.k.a. Hanns Holger Rutz (b1977): Zeichnung ~ (2005) [12’];
Maximilian Marcoll (Germany, b. 1981): Hundert Rahmen, hochkant {pf,live~} (2005) [11’] (Sebastian Berweck);
Seong-Joon Moon (South Korea, b. 1968): Fortepiano ~? (2001) [10’];
Olaf Hochherz (Germany, b. 1981): nachher halt (2004) [4’];
Stefano Giannotti (Italy, b. 1963): Il Carnevale di Antonio ¥ (2004) [8’];
Florian Zwißler (Germany, b. 1976): Doppelbrunn {4-channel~} (2005) [9’];
Max Lindström (Sweden, b. 1960): Music for Hugh Davies II ~ (2005) [9’];
Marc Behrens (Germany, b. 1970): Multiplication ~ (2000) [11’];
Josh Goldman (United States): Language ~ (2003) [6’];
Franz Martin Olbrisch (Germany, b. 1952): city drives ¥ (2004) [7’];
Federico Dörries (Germany, b. in CR): Ya Casi {stereo~} (2005) [9’];
Johannes Kreidler (Germany, b. 1980): RAM microsystems ~ (2005) [9’];
Hans Tutschku (Germany, b. 1966) Memory Fragmentation {8channel~} (2000) [12’].
Saturday. 22 July 2006 at 4:00pm – Global Interplay I @ Theaterhaus T3
Yoav Pasovsky (Israel. b. 1980): Ktamim {fl,hp,pf,perc,str} (2006) [15’] WP;
Huan Liu (People’s Republic of China, b. 1983)f: Merge – a dialogue between light and shadows {fl,cl,vn,vc,pipa,sheng,perc} (2006) [8’] WP;
Todd Tarantino (United States, b. 1975): Haziri {cl,vn,vc,pf} (2006) [9’] WP;
Wael Sami (Egypt, b. 1976): Speechless Mask {7} (2006) [10’] WP;
Benedict Sackey (Ghana, b. 1970): Ocean Dialogue {P6+gong} (2006) [5’] WP;
Sarah Nemtsov (Germany, b. 1980)f: communication – lost – found {ens} (2006) [25’] WP.
Saturday, 22 July 2006 at 8:00pm – Neue Vocalsoloisten, SWR Stuttgart Vocal Ens / Marcus Creed @ Theaterhaus T1
George Aperghis (France, b. 1945 in Greece): Wölfli Kantata [text: Adolf Wölfli] {6V+Chor} (2004-05) [90’] WP.
Saturday, 22 July 2006 at 10:00pm – Ensemble ascolta @ Theaterhaus T2
Frank Zappa (United States, 1940-1993): Medley: Dog Breath / Dog Breath Variations;
Zappa: Big Swifty;
Zappa: Zoot Allures:
Zappa: Sinister Footwear (2nd movt);
Zappa: Marqueson’s Chicken:
Zappa: Eat That Question:
Zappa: Medley: “Let’s Make The Water Turn Black” / “Harry, You’re a Beast” / “Orange County Lumber Track” / Theme from Lumpy Gravy;
Zappa: Reagan at Bitburg;
Zappa: I was in a drum:
Zappa: Sofa;
Zappa: Black Page No. 1 {drum solo};
Zappa: Watermelon in Easterhay;
Zappa: Black Page No. 2 {ens}
[TOTAL = 60’].
Saturday, 22 July 2006 at 10:00pm – Chillout Lounge @ Kunstmuseum
Florian Zwißler (Germany, b. 1976): Woodw {~laptops} (2005-06) [9’];
Ludger Hennig (Germany, b. 1969) / Sciss aka Hanns Holger Rutz (Germany, b. 1977) / Markus Markowski (Germany, b. 1970) / Johannes Sienknecht (Germany, b. 1971): Live-Improvisation {prep gt,~,etc} (2006) [40’];
Frank Niehusmann (Germany, b. 1960): Day Tracks Remix ~ (2005-06) [11’];
kmh {Kelly Davis / kristen (Germany) / mzweig (Germany)}: Prepart (2001-06) [35’];
BACOSA {Frank Halbig (Germany, b. 1970) / Matthias Ockert (Germany, b. 1970) / Tobias Wootton (Germany, b. 1970)}: similar toys {laptop,e-gt,sax} (2006) [32’].
Sunday, 23 July 2006 at 11:00am – Global Interplay II: Ens Modern Academy & Guests @ Theaterhaus T3
Kun Liu (People’s Republic of China, b. 1984): Beyond the sky {zheng,sqt} (2006) [13’] WP;
Torwomenye Kofi Ansah (Ghana, b. 1972): AZIZA DANZ {ens} (2006) [37’] WP;
Bassam Nour-Eddien (Egypt, b. 1978): WHITE {ens,~} (2006) [7’] WP;
Nils Günther (Germany, b. 1973): Zhong {cl,hp,vc,perc} (2006) [11’] WP;
Lei Huang (People’s Republic of China, b. 1984): Night—Farewell {erhu+P5} (2006) [12’] WP;
Victor Adán (United States. b. 1973): Objetos {fl,cl,pf,perc,sqt} (2006) [7’] WP.
Sunday, 23 July 2006 at 2:30pm – Francesco Filidei, org (assisted by Benedikt Schiefer & Andrew Hamilton) @ Schloss Solitude
Luciano Berio (Italy, 1925-2003): Fa-SI {org wt 2 assistants} (1975) [12’];
Girolamo Frescobaldi (Italy, 1583-1643): Ricercare cromatico {org} (1635) [4’];
György Ligeti (Austria/Hungary [Romania] 1923-June 12, 2006): Ricercare (omaggio a Frescobaldi) {org} (1953) [5’];
Francesco Filidei: Altro Recercar (omaggio a Ligeti) {org} (2006) [6’] %% WP;
Noriko Baba (Japan, b. 1972)f: Box and Cox {org wt 2 assistants} (2005) [5’];
György Ligeti: Harmonies {org} (1967) [7’];
György Ligeti: Coulée {org} (1969) [4’];
Gérard Pesson (France, b. 1958): 3 Études pour orgue baroque (1998) [10’];
Mauricio Kagel (Germany, b. 1931 in Argentina; d. 2008): Improvisation ajoutée {org wt 2 assistants} (1961) [12’].
Sunday, 23 July 2006 at 3:30pm – Natasha Lohan, voice & Andrew Hamilton, violin @ Schloss Solitude
Andrew Hamilton (Ireland, b. 1977): Music for people who think things could be better {V,vn} (2006) [11’] [] %% WP.
Sunday, 23 July 2006 at 4:30pm – Ensemble ascolta / Alistair Zaldua @ Schloss Solitude
Jennifer Walshe (Ireland, b. 1974)f: meanwhile, back at the ranch {ens} (2005) ();
Benedikt Schiefer (Germany, b. 1978): blue ajouté (2006) [11’] WP;
Cobi van Tonder (South Africa, b. 1974)f: coexistenz {tp,tbn,vc,pf,ebgt;2perc} (2006) WP;
Noriko Baba (Japan, b. 1972)f: Pseudoscope III {ens} (2006) [6’] WP.
Sunday, 23 July 2006 at 8:00pm – SWR Stuttgart Radio Sym Orch / Jonathan Stockhammer @ Theaterhaus T1
Thomas Agerfeldt Olesen (Denmark, b. 1969): Steinfeld {pf,orch} (2004) [15’] (Rolf Hind) *;
Chen-Hui Jen (Taiwan, b. 1981)f: The Mind of Crescent Moon {VnCto} (2004) [20’] (Carolin Widmann) *;
Thomas Kessler (Switzerland, b. 1937; b. 2024): , said the shotgun to the head. [Saul Williams] (2005) [32’] + (Saul Williams, rap assisted by Kodmey, Maeckes, Plan B, Edvice, Loopuz, Trick 17, Kamikatze, Loê aka Lovely Tune & Black Tiger).
Monday, 24 July 2006 at 8:00pm – Nicolas Isherwood, voice & Stefano Bassanese, electronics @ Forum Neues Musiktheater
Florence Baschet (France, b. 1955)f: Au commencement – Beréchit {B,~} (2006) [10’];
David Felder (United States, b. 1953): Chashmal {B,live~} (2006) [12’];
Stefano Bassanese (Italy, b. 1960): Lamento del molare frustrate (6 dentist sessions) {B,~,} (2006) [11’] %%;
Mauricio Kagel: Phonophonie {2V,~} (1964) [28’].
Tuesday, 25 July 2006 at 5:00pm – School Orchestras @ Theaterhaus T1
Burkhard Kinzler (Germany, b. 1963): vaccuus {str} (2005) [25’] WP;
Charlotte Seither (Germany, b. 1965): Coq-à-l’âne {3-24} (1997) [3’];
Matthias Handschick (Germany, b. 1971): Abakus {orch} (2005) [9’] WP;
Michael Maierhof (Germany, b. 1956): MINUS1 {orch} (2005) [15’] WP;
Josep Sanz i Quintana (Spain [Catalonia], b. 1977): Musik nach Janequin II {orch} (2004) [10’] WP.
Tuesday, 25 July 2006 at 8:00pm – Rasalila 2.0 (Encounter of Indian & European Musicians: Ens Modern) / Kaspar de Roo @ Theaterhaus T3
Ashok Ranade (India, b. 1937; d. 2011): Atmarati / Songness {V,str} (2003) [4’];
Aneesh Pradhan (India, b. 1960): In Flesh and Blood {table+ens} (2003) [20’?] %%;
Francis Silkstone (United Kingdom, b. 1956): Sharing the Cooking Times: Alap-Jor-Jhala (2003-06) [25’?] WP;
Ganesh Anandan (India, b. 1960): Autorickshaw Ride {ens,perc,CD} (2003) [11’] %%;
Ashok Ranade & Sandeep Bhagwati (Germany, b. 1957 in India): Sangit-Sambhav {ens} (2003) [14’];
Shubha Mudgal (India, b. 1959)f: Celebrating Anguish {KhyalV,ens} (2003-06) [12’?] %%;
Uday Bhawalkar (b1966IN): Nada Ranga {DhrupadV,ens} (2003) [16’] WP %%;
Dhruba Ghosh (India, b. 1957): The Master’s Tanpura {sarangi,ens} (2003-06) [16’] %%;
Aneesh Pradhan & Shubha Mudgal: Samagam {Khyal&DhrupadVs,sarangi,tabla,ens} (2003) [20’] %%.
Wednesday, 26 July 2006 at 7:00pm, 8pm & 9pm – Stuttgarter Kammerorchester @ Theaterhaus P1
Jennifer Walshe: passenger {str} (2006) [30’] WP.
Wednesday, 26 July 2006 at 8pm & 9pm Neue Vocalsoloisten @ Theaterhaus T2
Sandeep Bhagwati: Atish-e-Zaban / Fires of the Tongue {6V} (2006) [60’] WP.
Thursday, 27 July 2006 at 8:00pm – Stuttgarter Kammerorchester / Peter Hirsch @ Theaterhaus T1
Wenchen Qin (People’s Republic of China, b. 1966): Five Songs on the Horizon {vc,acc,str} (2005) [22’] (György Bognár, vc);
Claus Kühnl (Germany, b. 1957): Replete with Suns {mlin+13} (2004) [21’] WP (Detlef Tewes) +;
Arnold Schönberg (Austria/United States 1874-1951): Verklärte Nacht {str} (1917/1943) [30’].
Friday, 28 July 2006 at 8:00pm – Orch of the Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymasiums Stuttbgart / Peter Bachofer Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle, Beethovensaal (wt Choirs: Deusche Schule der Borromäerinnen Kairo, Highschool San Luis Obispo & Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium Stuttgart)
Michael Beil (Germany, b. 1963): twisted {FYC,2Chor,orch} (2005) WP;
Samir Odeh-Tamimi (Germany, b. 1970 in Palestine): Láma Poím {oud,orch} (2006) WP (Samir Mansour);
John Rutter (United Kingdom [England], b. 1945): Magnificat {S,Chor,orch} (1990) (Gala El Hadidi, Mz);
Peter Tchaikovsky (Russia, 1840-1893): Symphony No. 5 in e minor, op. 64 (1888).
Friday, 28 July 2006 at 8:00pm – NewMediaPocketOpera Workshop @ Forum Neues Musiktheater
Alan Hilario (Germany, b. 1967 in the Philippines): Schöner Götterfunken! {chamber opera} (2006) WP;
Edward Dudley-Hughes (United Kingdom, b. 1968): Hearing Voices {chamber opera} (2006) WP;
Daniel Schorno (Switzerland, b. 1963): garden of dream – folie à deux {chamber opera} (2006) WP;
Patrizio Barontini (Italy, b. 1973): Il Segno {chamber opera} (2006) WP [Total duration = 3.5 hrs].
Friday, 28 July 2006 at 10:00pm – Chillout Lounge @ Kunstmuseum
Aldis Ozols (LT): Error {laptop} %%.
Saturday, 29 July 2006 at 5:00pm – Ensemble Aventure / Bernhard Wulff @ Theaterhaus T2
Anton Safronov (Russia, b. 1972): Chronos – … Traum (eternal wrath of running time) {8} [20’] *;
Mariano Etkin (Argentina, b. 1943): La naturaleza de las cosas {cl,tbn,vc,pf} (2001) [10’];
Bojidar Spassov (Bulgaria, b. 1949): Vidritza {ens} (2006) [24’] WP;
David Brynjar Franzson (Iceland, b. 1978): The Elimination of Metaphysics {db} (2006) [6’] (Johannes Nied);
Graciela Paraskevaidis (Uruguay, b. 1940 in Argentina; d. 2017): Soy de un país donde {tp,cn,tbn,cbtba} (2002) [4’] WP;
Jani Christou (Greece, 1926-1970): Anaparastasis III (Der Pianist) {Acting pianist,ens,~} (1968) [11’] (Benito Gutmacher).
Saturday, 29 July 2006 at 8:00pm – SWR Stuttgart Vocal Ens & Radio Sym Orch / Mark Foster @ Theaterhaus T1
Johannes Schöllhorn (Germany, b. 1962): liu-yi/Wasser {orch} (2001-02) [14’] *;
Uroš Rojko (Slovenia, b. 1954): Concertant(n)i KO-J)U-JE-JO {2cl,orch} (2003-04/’05) [21’] * (Dirk Altmann, Kurt Berger);
Song Ge a.k.a. Ehesuma (People’s Republic of China, b. 1974)f: If I should push open that sunlight-uncontaminated yet-to-be constructed city gate {Chor} (2005) [20’] WP;
Fabio Nieder (Italy, b. 1957): Due lumi {Chor,orch} [Leonardo da Vinci] (2002) +;
Misato Mochizuki (Japan, b. 1969): Ima, koko {orch} (2004) [19’] WP.
15-29 July 2006 (8 performances) @ Theaterhaus P1
Wolfgang von Schweinitz (Germany, b. 1953): DIE KANTATE oder, Gottes Augenstern bist du. [Friederike Mayröcker] (2002-03) [76’] +.
17-30 July 2006 – Sound Park Without Borders @ Höhenpark, Killesberg
Bruce Odland (United States, b. 1952) & Sam Auinger (Germany, b. 1956 in Austria): living harmonies;
Erwin Stache (Germany, b. 1960): Ground Tubing Organ, 83.7 Kilo Ohm and Sound Boxes;
Andres Bosshard (Switzerland, b. 1955): Sound Tower, Sound Lakes and Sound Clearing;
Andres Oldörp (Germany, b. 1959): Your place or mine?;
Erwin Stache (Germany, b. 1960): Sounding Lake and Wall of Sound and Train.
Daily from Monday 31 July – 6 August 2006 – DEGEM Web Radio Broadcast
André Bartetzki (Germany, b. 1962): String-Theory for violin and live electronics (2005) [13’];
Tony Blomdahl (Sweden, b. 1979): Tram for fixed media electronic sounds (2003) [6’];
Christian mm. Fischer (Germany, b. 1973): H2O – Eis (5 Etuden) for fixed media electronic sounds (2002) [16’];
Javier Alejandro Garavaglia (Argentina, b. 1960): NINTH for viola and computer generated electronic sounds (2002) [12’];
Kazuya Ishigami (Japan, b. 1972): Story of Devadata (2006) [25’];
Richard Michael Klisowski (Poland, b. 1937): TRIPTYQUE for 3 jazz musicians and electronic sounds (2005) [24’];
François Martig / Aymeric de Tapol / Jérôme Pergolesi: Rue des veaux (Part 1>3) (2006) [12’];
Frank Rübler (Germany, b. 1973): k.naQs (2004) [7’] [];
Pei-Yu Shi (Germany, b. 1973 in Taiwan)f: Ausserdem. for 8-channel fixed media electronic sounds (2001) [13’];
Johannes S. Sistermanns (Germany, b. 1955): Shichi Go San 11 Japanese sound spaces (2003) [22’];
NooK {Dirk Specht (Germany, b. 1968) / Gerriet Krishna Sharma (Germany, b. 1974)}: Aubaine for live electronics (2005) [33’];
Mario Verandi (Argentina, b. 1960): De voces, diálogos y ausencias for fixed media electronic sounds (2002) [14’];
Trevor Wishart (United Kingdom [England], b. 1946): Globalia for fixed media electronic sounds (2004) [29’];
Lidia Zielinska (Poland, b. 1953): Musica Humana or How Symphonies are born for fixed media electronic sounds (1989) [30’].
Joshua Chan, “A successful mega event – but as an ISCM festival there is room for improvement,” World New Music Magazine 17 (2007), pp. 86-91.
Orlando Jacinto Garcia, “The ISCM died last week at 90 (actually 85) – and then began to slowly rise from its ashes,” World New Music Magazine 17 (2007), pp. 77-85.
(annotated by Frank J. Oteri, in progress)