Hana Ajiashvili: Cicada’s Singing

Dr. Hana Ajiashvili was born in Tbilisi, Georgia in 1972 and received a Master Diploma in piano and composition from the Music Sarajshvili Academy in 1995. In 1996, she continued her composition studies with the composer Vladimir Tarnopolsky at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, and worked with the Studio for New Music and with the
Young Composers’ Committee of the Moscow Composers Union. In 2001, she immigrated to Israel and continued her activities as a composer and director and composition teacher at the Or Yehuda Conservatory.
In 2007, she completed her doctorate at Bar-Ilan University , under the supervision of Gideon Lewensohn and Betty Olivero. Her works are frequently performed by the leading ensembles of contemporary music like Meitar Ensemble (Israel), Ensemble 21 century (Israel), Trio Catch (Hamburg), Mivos Quartet (NYC), Momenta Quartet (NYC), Ensemble Continuum (NYC), Studio of New Music ( Moscow), MACM (Moscow), Triomusicale (Madrid) and more. Her pieces are performed in concerts and festivals in Israel and abroad such as the ISCM festival, ACL festival, “Sound Roads in Sankt-Petersburg”, “Dresden nights”, “Ha-Teiva marathon” and
‘Tzlil Meudcan” in Tel Aviv, CEME of Meitar Ensemble, festival SaxOpen in Strasburg, and many others.
Cicada’s Singing or Fly my broken dreams, for prepared vibraphone, was composed in 2013 and is dedicated to Oded Geizhals, who premiered the work and is interpreter in the performance featured here, and to the composer’s father David Cohen HaTeiva.
performed by Oded Geizhals
at the Jerusalem Music Center’s concert series on 15 January 2021