Sabina Ulubeanu: Sheroes

July 6, 2022 / Arfa

Sabina Ulubeanu (b. 1979 in Bucharest) is one of the most complex artistic personalities of her generation, as her work comprises composition, photography, musicology, teaching, experimental performance, and directing a young international new arts festival. Ulubeanu sstudied piano at the George Enescu Music Highschool and then Composition at the National Music University of Bucharest, with Tiberiu Olah and Doina Rotaru (Masters in 2004). In 2001/2002 she studied composition with Violeta Dinescu at the Oldenburg University in Germany and in 2011 completed her PhD studies Summa cum Laudae with the thesis „The Function of Memory in the Construction of Musical Time”, a theme that represents the artistic manifesto of the composer. Sabina is a member of the Romanian Composers Union, ARFA- Association for Romanian Women in Art and Locomotive Art Sorority. Her compositions, chamber music, multimedia or symphonic are performed in Romania and abroad (France, Germany, US, Lithuania, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Ukraine, Ireland, Croatia, Estonia, etc) by artists like Arcadia Quartet, Alexandru Tomescu, Laura Buruiana, Matei Varga, Green Thing Ensemble, Ana Topalovic, Barbara Lueneburg, Sonomania Ensemble, Ensemble for New Music Tallin, Peterson Quartet, etc and have received national and international prizes. About her music, the composer confesses: “To write music is for me a necessity, a must. I need to express my emotions. So, my music is first of all intimate and subjective, my vision of the world that I perceive in every moment. The Technique should always be just a mean of transforming the Feeling into Ideas and the Ideas into a Musical Matter that others could understand.” Sabina is interested in bringing together space, time and memory, elements that unify the music and the visual arts.

Sheroes, for string quartet, is a 2018 work with three distinct sections that focus on women in three guises: creator, mother, and hero of everyday life.