Michiko Fukazawa: Prisme

Michiko Fukazawa was born in Japan. She has received Diploma from Osaka College of Music, then l’Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris and also the Certificate from Conservatoire d’Annecy. Her piece Lemminkainen’s Mother for string orchestra was performed by the Vancouver New Music String Orchestra on November 3 2017, ISCM 2017 in Vancouver Canada, and at the Summer Course of Avanti! Summer Sounds 2012 in Porvoo, Finland. She has participated in Druskomanija Festival 2012 in Lithuania with the piece Berceuse for piano and electronics”. She has also been invited as a resident composer to the Visby International Composers Centre in Gotland, Sweden. Other notable pieces she has composed include Amber (2012) and Clair de lune (2014).
Prisme, a trio for flute, violoncello, and piano composed in 2006, mainly uses the overtones of the violoncello which compares to light dispersed by other instruments as a sonic prism. The work was first performed by Yui Nagai (flute), Tomoki Tai (violoncello), and Kaori Osuga (piano) on 1 November 2006 at Tokyo Operacity Recital Hall in Tokyo, Japan.
Yui Nagai (fl), Tomoki Tai (vc), Kaori Ohsuga (pf)
Tokyo Operacity Recital Hall, 1 November 2006