ISCM Extraordinary General Assembly to be Scheduled Online Via Zoom on 27 June 2020 from 14:00 – 16:00 PM CEST
Due to the pandemic of COVID-19 and all related restrictions, our planned 2020 General Assembly in New Zealand had to be cancelled. The Executive Committee has been working hard to create an opportunity for us to meet virtually.
An Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) of the ISCM will be held virtually via Zoom on 27 June 2020 from 14:00 – 16:00 PM CEST. Vancouver 5:00—7:00 AM, New York 8:00—10:00 AM, Buenos Aires 9:00—11:00 AM, Dublin 13:00—15:00 PM, Bucharest 15:00—17:00 PM, Hanoi 19:00—21:00 PM, Beijing 20:00—22:00 PM ,Tokyo 21:00—23:00 PM, Sydney 22:00—00:00 PM, Auckland 00:00—02:00 AM. At least two hours prior to the Extraordinary General Assembly, Zoom-space will be opened for delegates to meet with friends informally or check whether their connections work.
In creating the Agenda for this Extraordinary General Assembly, the ISCM Executive Committee has included topics which can be viably discussed in a virtual environment. Therefore, a significant portion of what would normally appear in a GA Agenda will not be included for discussion, and some parts are simply presented as documents to be received. In seeking GA approval on a proposal, delegates with voting rights may be asked to respond with any objections by email prior to the EGA. It will also be possible to vote using Zoom’s voting mechanisms. As a result of employing such mechanisms, members’ rights to request a secret ballot could push the agenda beyond the time limit for this Virtual General Assembly. If this occurs, a follow-up Extraordinary GA later in the year may need to be organised for that purpose. One key issue for voting in this year’s EGA would normally be the election of two Ordinary ExCom members. Due to the current crisis, and in the interests of fair and democratic procedures, we have proposed that the election of the two ExCom positions that would normally be due to occur this year be delayed by one year until we meet again in person. This proposal would require the extension of the first terms of Tomoko Fukui and George Kentros by one year. The proposal for extension will be put to a vote by the EGA on 27 June.
As we are exploring virtual meeting for GA for the first time, unexpected situations might occur. To plan carefully for this new format of GA, because we do not have a normal registration process for in-person meeting, please register for the ISCM 2020 Extraordinary General Assembly here at the following URL: Fill in details whether you are first or second delegate, which organization you represent, and give us your email address and phone in order to be able to communicate to you all technical instructions for being able to join the EGA via Zoom. In case of any doubts or comments, please contact ISCM’s Secretary General Ol’ga Smetanova – [email protected].