Classical:NEXT 25 – 28 May 2016
Classical:NEXT was born out of the simple idea to bring the diverse scenes of classical music together and offer them a forum to exchange and develop new ways for classical and contemporary music. Since the first edition in 2012, about 3000 classical music professionals from more than 1000 companies and from over 40 countries have…
Ticino Masterclasses 2016 July 17–30 luglio Lugano (Switzerland)
Masterclasses 2016 July 17–30 luglio Lugano (Switzerland) for all instruments, voice, composition and contemporary music. The contemporary music laboratory focuses in the creation of strong collaboration bonds between different actors: composers, interpreters, conductors and ensembles. masterclass in contemporary repertoire conducting with professor Arturo Tamayo masterclass in composition with professors Ondřej Adámek and Mathias Steinauer masterclass…
SYNTHETIS 18-30 July 2016
International Summer Course for composition students and young composers which offers lectures and individual meetings with outstanding artists. The enrollment deadline is May 10. This year, between July 18 and 30 in Radziejowice (near Warsaw, Poland), the participants will have a unique opportunity to attend lectures and individual meetings with Mark Andre, Wojciech Błażejczyk, Martin…
The Aleph ensemble 8th International Forum for Young Composers
Scores, even if partial, should be sent before 30 November 2016 -– date as per postmark. The limit age is set at 40 years. The 4 composers whose piece has been selected, will be invited to a series of meetings-rehearsals-reflections as part of an 8 days’ residency in the Parisian region in April 2017, during…
City of Derry International Choral Festival, 19 – 23 October 2016
City of Derry International Choral Festival, 19 – 23 October 2016 The City of Derry International Choral Festival has announced the first guest artist for the 4th edition of the autumn festival, due to take place from Wednesday 19 October until Sunday 23 October. Read more…
City of Derry International Choral Competition
City of Derry International Choral Competition Open to any youth or adult choir of international standing with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 60 members. All singers must be over 15 years of age. Repertoire The programme must be entirely a capella, represent an historically balanced range of styles and include at least;…
Musica Sacra International 2016, May 13 – 18
Musica Sacra International 2016, brings music from the five major world religions into the Allgäu region, organizing concerts in which Christians, Jews, Moslems, Buddhists and Hindus meet and perform together. provides an insight into foreign cultures provides as an aid to better mutual understanding, offers lectures, a comprehensive programme booklet in two languages with articles…
ICMC 2016, 42nd International Computer Music Conference
ICMC 2016, 42nd International Computer Music Conference will be hosted in the city of Utrecht, by HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, HKU Music and Technology and the annual new music festival Gaudeamus Muziekweek. The conference begins with a concert on the evening of Sunday 11 September 2016 and ends with a concert on the…
5-Minute Piano Concerto Competition
Music Biennale Zagreb – Croatian Composers’ Society, Berislavićeva 9, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia (Hereinafter: HDS – MBZ) calls for applicants to submit their works for the “5-Minute Piano Concerto” Competition: The competition has set the objective to select ten (10) 5-minute piano concertos which will be premiered at 29th Music Biennale Zagreb, in April 2017,…
2016 Pan Music Festival in Korea
ISCM Korea is pleased to announce the 44th Pan Music Festival 2016. The annual festival endeavour to introduce recent contemporary music and to invite composers and performers to listen their music and works. The festival is a great occasion to meet and communicate with all musicians including living composers. In order to enhance the musical…