1985 Netherlands
Oct 4, 1985 – Oct 13, 1985
Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Hilversum
Festival info
Start: Oct 4, 1985
End: Oct 13, 1985
Locations: Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Hilversum
Hosting member(s)

From a contemporaneous review
“Bij het eerste concert van de Internationale Wereldmuziekdagen kwam verreweg de belangrijkste bijdrage uit een klein land, wat herinnert aan de oorspronkelijke doelstellingen van de vereniging: een helpende hand bieden aan mensen die het moeilijk hebben.”
“[A]t the first concert of the International World Music Days, the most important contribution by far came from a small country, which recalls the original goals of the association: to lend a helping hand to those in a difficult position.”
–Ernest Vermuelen, “Saaie neo-romantiek bekent geen kleur bij opening ISCM-dagen”
(“Boring neo-romance shows no color at the opening of ISCM days”), NRC Handelsbad,
5 October 1985 [in Dutch, English translation via Google translate].
Isang Yun
András Szőllősy
Klaas de Vries
Karel Goeyvaerts
Gunther Schuller
Dimitri Terzakis
* = ISCM Jury selections
1. Friday, 4 October 1985 at 20:15 – Netherlands Radio Chamber Orchestra conducted by Ernest Bour at the Concertgebouw
Jonathan Chenette (United States, b. 1954): Chamber Symphony for 31 musicians (1983) [14’] *;
Michael Whiticker (Australia): Tya for chamber orchestra (1984) [8′] *;
Ross Bauer (United States, b. 1951): Concertino for chamber orchestra (1983) *;
Poul Ruders (Denmark, b. 1949): Corpus cum Figuris for chamber orchestra (1985) [20’] *.
2. Saturday, 5 October 1985 at 15:00 – National Programs of Venezuela & Poland at the The Hague Royal Conservatory of Music and Dance
Javier Aldana (Venezuela): Proyecto Odila (1985) performed by the Orquesta de Instrumentos Latinoamericanos ODILA;
Randy Arriechi (Venezuela): Magia (1983) performed by ODILA;
Emilio Mendoza (Venezuela, b. 1953): Etnocidio (1982) [10’] performed by ODILA;
Juán Andrés Sans (Venezuela): Kahena (1984) performed by ODILA;
Ricardo Teruel (Venezuela, b. 1956): Herencia de Ilusiones (1985) performed by ODILA;
Eugeniusz Knapik (Poland, b. 1951): String Quartet No. 1 (1980) [22’] performed by Kwartet Śląski;
Aleksander Lasoń (Poland, b. 1951): String Quartet (1980) [23’] performed by Kwartet Slaski.
3. Saturday, 5 October 1985 at 20:15 – Het Residentie Orkest conducted by Friedemann Layer at the The Hague Royal Conservatory of Music and Dance
Younghi Pagh-Paan (West Germany, b. 1945 in South Korea): Madi for 12 players (1981) [20’] *;
Michalis Travlos (Greece, b. 1950): Prisma for orchestra (1979-80) *;
Pierre Boulez (France, b. 1925; d. 2016): Dérive for flute, clarinet, violin, voloncello, piano, and percussion (1984) [8’];
Theo Loevendie (Netherlands, b. 1930): Flexio for orchestra (1979) [20’] *.
4. Sunday, 6 October 1985 at 15:00 – Netherlands Radio Choir conducted by Robin Gritton at De Doelen, Rotterdam
Klaus Huber (Switzerland, b. 1924; d. 2017): Ñudo que ansi juntáis [text: Pablo Neruda] for Chorus (1984) [14’] [world premiere] *;
Michael Finnissy (United Kingdom [England], b. 1946): Ngano for Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Chorus ,flute, and 2 percussionists (1973) [18’] * performed with mezzo-soprano Ursula van’t Wout, tenor Frank Hameleers, flutist Emile Biessen, and percussionist Henk de Vlieger.
5. Sunday, 6 October 1985 at 17:00 – organist Willem Tanke at the Grote of Sint-Laurenskerk, Rotterdam
Ton de Leeuw (Netherlands, b. 1926; d. 1996): Sweelinck-variations for organ (1973) [13’];
Philippe Boesmans (Belgium [Wallonia], b. 1936 in Flanders; d. 2022): Fanfare II for organ (1973) [16’];
Luciano Berio (Italy, b. 1925; d. 2003): Fa-Si for organ with 2 assistants (1975) [c. 6-12’];
Joep Straesser (Netherlands, b. 1934; d. 2004): Splendid Isolation for organ (1976-77/’83) [9’].
6. Sunday, 6 October 1985 at 20:15 – Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lucas Vis at De Doelen, Rotterdam
Kaija Saariaho (France, b. 1952 in Finland): Verblendungen for orchestra and fixed media electronics (1982-84) [14’] *;
Werner Heider (West Germany, b. 1930): Musik-Geschichte for piano and orchestra (1982) [23’] featuring pianist Werner Heider *;
Zygmunt Krause (Poland, b. 1938): Piece for orchestra No. 3 (1982) [20’] *;
Louis Andriessen (Netherlands, b. 1939; d. 2021): De Snelheid (Velocity) for large ensemble (1982-83/’84) [18’] *.
7. Monday, 7 October 1985 12:30 – Gaudeamus Musicweek at the De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Cecilie Ore (Norway, b. 1954): Im-mobile for fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [total duration = 7 days];
Takayuki Rai (Japan, b. 1954): Transparency for harp and fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [9’] performed by Masumi Nagasawa;
Patrick Kosk (Finland, b. 1951): Nebula Prospect for fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [file lost?];
Michael Obst (West Germany): Kristallwelt (Part I) for fixed media electronic sounds (1983-85) [12′].
8. Monday, 7 October at 15:00 – Gaudeamus Musicweek at the De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Unsuk Chin (West Germany, b. 1961 in South Korea): Spektra for 3 violoncellos (1985) [11’] [withdrawn?] performed by Taco Kooistra, Viola den Hoog, and Eduard van Regieren Altena;
Todd Brief (United States, b. 1953): Concert Etude for piano (1980) [13’] performed by Yoko Abe;
Luigi Abbate (Italy, b. 1958): Apax for wind quintet (1985) performed by the Fodor Quintet;
Giuseppe Soccio (Italy, b. 1950): Spirali: quand’i caldi raggi fuggon for clarinet solo (1983) [9’] performed by John Anderson;
Marco Lasagna (Italy, b. 1957): “Ferma e’ l’antica voce…” [text: Salvatore Quasimodo] for Soprano and piano performed by Claron McFadden and Niek de Vente;
Mauro Cardi (Italy, b. 1955): Trama for violin solo (1985) [9’] performed by Robert Szreder [world premiere].
9. Monday, 7 October 1985 at 20:15 – National Programs of Austria & the Netherlands at the Bimhuis, Amsterdam
Mathias Rüegg (Austria, b. 1952 in Switzerland): ??? performed by Vienna Art Orchestra directed by Mathias Rüegg;
Wolfgang R. Kubizek (Austria, b. 1959; d. 2008): Oktett für Jazzensemble (1984) [15’] performed by VAO directed by Mathias Rüegg;
Paul Termos (Netherlands, b. 1952; d. 2003): Carrara for piano (1985) [13’] performed by Fred Oldenburg;
Willem van Manen (Netherlands, b. 1940): Trajekten for big band (1981) [12’] performed by Orkest de Volharding;
Guus Janssen (Netherlands, b. 1951): Woeha for 13 musicians (1984) [10’] performed by De Volharding with Guus Janssen;
Theo Loevendie (Netherlands, b. 1930): Strides for solo piano (1976) [8’];
Theo Loevendie: Walk for solo piano (1985) [7’];
Guus Janseen: Brake for solo piano (1974) [4’] performed by the composer;
Improvised music by:
Wolter Wierbos (Netherlands, b. 1957);
Misha Mengelberg (Netherlands, b. 1935; d. 2017);
Maarten Altena (Netherlands, b. 1943);
Michael Vatcher (Netherlands, b. 1954 in the United States).
10. Tuesday, 8 October 1985 at 12:30 – Gaudeamus Musicweek at the De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Peter Beyls (Belgium [Flanders]; b. 1950): A quiet Disturbance for fixed media electronic sounds (1984);
José Manuel Berenguer (Spain [Catalonia] b. 1955): Musica en la Noche for fixed media electronic sounds (1985) [12′];
Octavian Nemescu (Romania, b. 1940; d. 2020): Naturel – Culturel for fixed media electronic sounds (1973) [21’].
11. Tuesday, 8 October 1985 at 15:00pm – National Programs of Iceland & Sweden at the De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Snorri Sigfús Birgisson (Iceland, b. 1954): Dance (1981-82) for solo violoncello [8’];
Gudmundur Hafsteinsson (Iceland, b. 1953): Brunnu beggja kina björt ljós (Burned Bright Lights in Bright Lights) for clarinet, violoncello, and piano (1982) [18’] performed by the Icelandic Trio;
Hjálmar H. Ragnarsson (Iceland, b. 1952): Trio for clarinet, violoncello, and piano (1983-84) [19’] performed by the Icelandic Trio;
Rolf Enström (Sweden, b. 1951): Fractal (1984) [23’] for fixed media electronic sounds and images;
Pär Lindgren (Sweden, b. 1952): Den förstenade (The petrified one) for Mezzo-soprano fixed media electronic sounds (1982) [19’] sung by Kerstin Ståhl;
Åke Parmerud (Sweden, b. 1953): Yán for percussion ensemble and fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [30′].
12. Tuesday, 8 October 1985 at 20:15 – National Programs of West Germany & Belgium at De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Walter Zimmermann (West Germany, b1949): Saitenspiel for ensemble (1983) [24’] performed by Ensemble Modern conducted by Lothar Zagrosek;
Helmut Lachenmann (West Germany, b1935): Movement – vor der Erstarrung for ensemble (1983/84) [25’] performed by EM / Zagrosek;
??? Jacques Colonne (Belgium [Wallonia]): Chances for ensemble, performed by De Nieuwe Muziekgroep conducted by Marc De Smet;
Lucien Goethals (Belgium [Flanders], b. 1931; d. 2006): Pampa for Mezzo-soprano and ensemble (1979) [9’] performed by DNM / De Smet;
André Laporte (Belgium [Flanders], b. 1931): Icarus’ flight for piano and 12 players (1977) [10’] performed by DNM / De Smet;
Frank Nuyts (Belgium [Flanders], b. 1957): Squib for wind quartet, brass trio, percussion duo, piano-4 hands, harp, and string quintet (1985) [10’] performed by DNM / De Smet.
13. Wednesday 9 Oct 12:30pm – Electronic Music from the Netherlands @ De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Ton Bruynél (Netherlands, b. 1934; d. 1998): Denk mal das Denkmal for Baritone and fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [8’];
Jan Boerman (Netherlands, b. 1923; d. 2020): Ontketening II for percussion ensemble and fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [29’];
Ton de Leeuw: Clair Obscur for fixed media electronic sounds (1982) [17’].
14. Wednesday, 9 October 1985 at 15:00 – National Programs of Ireland & Japan at De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
John Buckley (Ireland, b. 1951): Oileáin for solo piano (1979) [16’] performed by René Eckhardt;
Gerald Barry (Ireland, b. 1952): Au Milieu for solo piano (1981) [12’] performed by René Eckhardt;
Gerard Victory (Ireland, b. 1921; d. 1995): Verona Preludes for solo piano (1979) (selections) [TOTAL=22’] performed by René Eckhardt;
Yoritsune Matsudaira (Japan, b. 1907; d. 2001): Nétri et Rôèi, dans le style de Gagaku for ensemble performed by the Hato-Ensemble;
Toshio Hosokawa (West Germany, b. 1955 in Japan; currently based in Japan): Dan-sô for piano trio (1984) [18’] performed by members of the Hato-Ensemble;
Joji Yuasa (Japan, b. 1929;d. 2024): A Winter’s Day, Hommage to Bashô for flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, and harp (1981) [18’] performed by members of the Hato-Ensemble;
Yori-Aki Matsudaira (Japan, b. 1931; d. 2023): Requiem Saecularem [text: E. Usami] for nine musicians (1985) performed by the Hato-Ensemble.
15. Wednesday, 9 October 1985 at 21:00 – Pianos/Percussion & National Program of Portugal at De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Riccardo Formosa (Australia, b. 1954 in Italy): Pour les vingt doigts for two pianos (1983) [10’] performed by pianists René Echhardt & Niek de Vente *;
Marlos Nobre (Brazil, b. 1939): Sonancias III for two pianos and two percussionists (1980) [9’] performed by Echhardt & de Vente with percussionists Renee Jonker & Wim Vos *;
Constança Capdeville (Portugal, b. 1937 in Spain [Catalonia]; d. 1992): Avec Picasso, ce matin… for ensemble (1984) performed by the Grupo de Música Contemporânea de Lisboa;
Clotilde Rosa (Portugal, b. 1930; d. 2017): Recondita Armonia for ensemble (1984) [9’] performed by GMCL
Lopes e Silva (Portugal, b. 1937; d. 2019): Nocturnal I for ensemble (1984) performed by GMCL
Álvaro Salazar (Portugal, b. 1938): Ludi Officinales for piano and percussion (1979) [15′] performed by members of GMCL
Jorge Peixinho (Portugal, b. 1940; d. 1995): Meta-Formoses for bass clarinet with flute, clarinet, trumpet, harp, guitar, and string trio (1985) [10’] performed by bass clarinetist Harry Sparnaay and GMCL.
16. Thursday, 10 October 1985 at 15:00 – Electronic Music Concert at the Muziekcentrum Vredenburg, Utrecht
Horacio Vaggione (Aregntina, b. 1943): Octuor for fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [10’] *;
Alistair MacDonald (United Kingdom [Scotland], b. 1962): Stiriae for fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [12’] *;
David Keane (Canada, b. 1943 in the United States; d. 2017): Elektronikus Mozaik for fixed media electronic sounds (1984) [11’] *;
Ian Dearden (United Kingdom [England], b. 1961): Kinesis for fixed media electronic sounds *;
Pril Smiley (United States, b. 1943): Forty-Three for fixed media electronic sounds (1984) *.
17. Thursday, 10 October 1985 at 20:15 – National Program of Hong Kong at the Muziekcentrum Vredenburg, Utrecht
(featuring Wong On-Yuen, erhu; Hon See-Wah, zheng; Ku Hui-Man, pipa; Wai Ting-Sun, xiao)
Traditional (China): Gao Shan Liu Shui (High Mountain Flowing Water) for zheng solo;
Traditional (China): Hán Yā Xì Shui (Winter Ducks Play on Water) for zheng solo;
Traditional (China): Si Duan Jin (Four Episodes) for zheng solo;
Traditional (China): Yi Gu Ren (Thinking of an Old Friend) for qin solo;
Traditional (China): Snow Flakes for pipa solo;
Traditional (China): Plum Blossom Variations for xiao and pipa;
Traditional (China): Shí Miàn Mái Fú (Ambush on All Sides) for pipa solo;
Traditional (China): Autumn Moon Over Han Palace for erhu solo;
Traditional (China): Moonlight at Er Chuan Spring for erhu solo;
Traditional (China): The Joyous Yi Village for erhu solo;
Kuan Nai-chung (Hong Kong, b. 1939 in Mainland China): Almond Flower Reflections for Chinese instrument ensemble;
Law Wing-fai (Hong Kong, b. 1949): Capriccio for Chinese instrument ensemble;
Shi Kum-por a.k.a. Shi Jinbo (China, b. 1933; d. 1997): Untitled for Chinese instrument ensemble;
Richard Tsang (Hong Kong, b. 1952): Silk Music for Chinese instrument ensemble;
Tim Wilson (Hong Kong, b. in the United States): Twilight Swallows for Chinese instrument ensemble.
18. Friday, 11 October 1985 at 12:30 – pianists Maarten Bon & Gerrit Hommerson at De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
John McGuire (United States, b. 1942; then based in West Germany): 48 for two pianos (1976-80) *
19. Friday, 11 October 1985 at 15:00 – National Programs of Israel & Norway at De Ijsbreker, Amsterdam
Tzvi Avni (Israel, b. 1927 in Germany): Beyond the curtain for piano quartet (1979) [15’] performed by Janet Krause (vn), Gert Jan Leuverink (va), Taco Kooistra (vc), and Galia Shakèd (pf);
Ami Maayani (Israel, b. 1936; d. 2019): 2 Impromptus for piano (1974,1976) [17’] performed by Galia Shakèd;
Gabriel Iranyi (Israel, b. 1946 in Romania): Realm for violoncello and fixed media electronic sounds (1981) [9’] performed by Taco Kooistra;
Josef Tal (Israel, b. 1910 in Poland; d. 2008): Piano Quartet (1982) [11’] performed by Kruase, Leuverink, Kooistra, and Shakèd;
Antonio Bibalo (Norway, b. 1922 in Italy; d. 2008): The Savage for flute/alto flute/piccolo, clarinet/bass clarinet/saxophone, violin, violoncello, piano/synthesizer, and percussion (1982-83) [30’] performed by Ny Musikks Ensemble;
Olav Anton Thommessen (Norway): Ekko av et ekko (Echo of an Echo) from The Hermaphrodite for ensemble (1970/80) [17’] performed by Ny Musikks Ensemble;
Magne Hegdal (Norway, b. 1944): Make believe rag (for dancing) for Soprano and piano (1981) [6’] sung by Gurri Egge.
20. Friday, 11 October 1985 at 20:15 – ASKO Ensemble etc. at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Michael Torke (United States, b. 1961): Vanada for ensemble (1984) [13’] performed by ASKO;
Takayuki Rai (Japan, b. 1954): Solidity for 10 musicians (1983/84) [10’] performed by ASKO;
Brian Ferneyhough (United States, b. 1943 in the United Kingdom [England]): Carceri d’Invenzione I for ensemble (1982) [13’] performed by ASKO;
Alejandro Iglesias Rossi (Argentina, b. 1960): Ritos Ancestrales for Soprano and percussion ensemble (1983) [26’] performed by Young-Hee Kim with Percussion Group The Hague *;
Enrique Raxach (Netherlands, b. 1932 in Spain [Catalonia]): Vórtice for 6 clarinets and 3 bass clarinets (1983) [7’] performed by Het Basklarinetten Kollektief featuring Harry Sparnaay *;
Jürg Wyttenbach (Switzerland, b. 1935; d. 2021): Lamentoroso for Soprano and 6 bass clarinets (1984) [17’] performed by Lina Åkerlund with Het Basklarinetten Kollektief *.
21. Saturday, 12 October 1985 at 15:00 – piano etc. at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Karlheinz Stockhausen (West Germany, b. 1928; d. 2007): Klavierstück XII [17’] (1983) performed by pianist Majella Stockhausen assisted by technician J. Panis *;
Jan Sandström (Sweden, b. 1954): Campane in campi Aperti for solo piano (1985) [12’] performed by Geoffrey Douglas Madge (world premiere?) * ;
Jonathan Kramer (United States, b. 1942; d. 2004): Music for piano No. 5 * (1980) [17’] performed by Geoffrey Madge *;
Todd Brief: Slow Lament for Soprano and piano [text: Pablo Neruda] (1984) performed by Young-Hee Kim and Madge *.
22. Saturday, 12 October 1985 at 8:15pm – National Programs of Greece & Australia at the Muziekschool Noord, Amsterdam
Kyriakos Sfetsas (Greece, b. 1945): Iera Odos performed by the Greek Radio Chamber Ensemble conducted by Efthymios Kavallieratos;
Nikos Kornilios (Greece, b. 1954): Stehen for 7 musicians (1983) performed by the GR Radio Ens. / Kavallieratos;
Dimitri Terzakis (Greece/Germany, b. 1938): The Abduction of Europe for Soprano and chamber orchestra (1984) [14’] featuring Anne-Marie Mühle [world premiere?];
Michalis Adamis (Greece, b. 1929; d. 2013): Rodanon for Tenor solo and Male Chorus with flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, and string quartet (1983) [13’] performed by the Greek Byzantine Choir (dir. Lucourghos Anghelopoulos) with the GR Radio Ens. / Kavallieratos;
Carl Vine (Australia, b. 1954): Miniature III for flute/alto flute/piccolo, trombone (OR violoncello), piano, and percussion (1983) [12’] performed by the ensemble Flederman;
Keith Humble (Australia, b. 1927; d. 1995): Ways – Byways for flute/piccolo, trombone, violoncello, piano, celesta, percussion (1983) [13’] performed by Flederman;
Graham Hair (Australia, b. 1943): Concertino for 3 Soloists for trombone, violoncello, and percussion (1984) [11’] performed by members of Flederman;
Martin Wesley-Smith (Australia, b. 1945; d. 2019): Snark-Hunting for flute/alto flute/piccolo, piano/celesta/melodion, violoncello, percussion, and electronics (1984) [17’] performed by Flederman.
23. Sunday 13 October 1985 at 15:00 – Het Nieuw Ensemble conducted by Otto Ketting at Sweelinck Academy, Amsterdam
Zoltán Jeney (Hungary, b. 1943; d. 2019): 12 Songs for female voice and piano (1983) [30’] featuring soprano Dorothy Dorow;
José Evangelista (Canada, b. 1943 in Spain): Clos de Vie for ensemble (1983) [15’] *;
Joël Bons (Netherlands, b. 1952): Tour for violin and piano (1983/84) [8’] *;
Jacqueline Fontyn (Belgium [Flanders]. b. 1930): Alba for Soprano with clarinet, violoncello, harp, piano, percussion (1981) [15’] featuring Dorow *.
24. Sunday, 13 October 1985 at 20:00 – Netherlands Radio Chamber Orchestra etc. (Gaudeamus Musicweek) at Vara Studio, Hilversum
James Clarke (United Kingdom [England], b. 1957): Försvinna for bass clarinet doubling contrabass clarinet and strings (1984) [12’] performed by Harry Sparnaay with the NRCO conducted by Ernest Bour [world premiere];
Klaas de Vries (Netherlands, b. 1944): Bewegingen (Movements) for 15 musicians (1979) [9’] performed by the NRCO / Bour;
Michael Smetanin (Australia, b. 1958): Track for 2 panpipes, 2 alto saxophones,4 electric pianos, 2 electric bass guitars, and 2 percussionists (1985) [20’] performed by Hoketus;
Paolo Ricci (Italy, b. 1949): “O Dormiente, che cosa è sonno?” for 16 voices performed by the Netherlands Chamber Choir conducted by John Alldis;
Improvisations by pianist Jasper van ‘t Hoff + Studio for Verbosonics & Electronic Music Netherlands Broadcasting Foundation.
Nicolas Slonimsky, Music Since 1900, Sixth Edition edited by Laura Kuhn (Schirmer Reference, 2001), pp. 739-742.
Ernst Vermuelen, “Duizelingwekkende complexiteit bij ASKO” (“Dazzling Complexity at ASKO”), NRC Handelsbad, 12 October 1985 (available online) [in Dutch].
Ernst Vermeulen, “Italiaans werk klinkt smeuïg op Wereldmuziekdagen 1985,” NRC Handelsbad, 10 October 1985 (available online) [in Dutch].
Ernst Vermuelen, “Saaie neo-romantiek bekent geen kleur bij opening ISCM-dagen” (“Boring neo-romance shows no color at the opening of ISCM days”), NRC Handelsbad, 5 October 1985 (available online) [in Dutch].
(annotated by Frank J. Oteri, in progress)