The 2016 Boulogne-Billancourt Music Composition Competition

The 2016 Boulogne-Billancourt Music Composition Competition “Composing for young musicians” Together with the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional (CRR), the City of Boulogne-Billancourt is organizing a Contemporary Music Pedagogical Composition Competition…

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Louis Andriessen elected Honorary Member

Louis Andriessen was born in Utrecht on June 6, 1939. After an early training in composition with his father, composer Hendrik Andriessen, he continued his studies with Kees van Baaren…

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1992 Warsaw

…most highly visible elder statesmen of the Polish compositional community, Penderecki, Lutosławski, and Górecki, were all featured.” — Elliott Schwartz, “1992 Warsaw ISCM,” Perspectives of New Music, Vol. 31, No….

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composition competition Torre della Quarda

competitors from all the world countries, without limits of age, aesthetical trends and compositional styles. Our aim is to stimulate a dynamical relationship between an active audience and authors sensitive…

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