VICC Residency

…this program up to 6 composers per year are offered free accommodation and unrestricted use of an appropriate composing studio at the Centre for a period of 4 weeks. The…

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Types of Membership

ISCM Members around the world

…2) Accommodation for the 1st delegate during ISCM General Assembly 3) Six pieces can be submitted free of charge by the member to the Selection Committee of the ISCM World…

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…merely a matter of emphasis. This year Sofia Gubaidulina, the grand old dame of new music and perhaps the most prominent living female composer, has been enlisted as composer in…

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Armando Santiago: Quatuor à cordes 1995

Armando Santiago

…other hand, the auto stimulation of the different inter-complementary gestures, re-exposed and renewed in communicating vessels, depends on the search for timbres, being oriented in function of depth zones within…

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1924 Prague, Salzburg

…only masterpieces produced, and those great works that have come down to us have long since been culled from a host of mediocrities.” Richard Hammond, “Salzburg,” Modern Music, Vol. I,…

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Chung-Yuan Yu: Wende (Twist)

Chung Yuan Yu

Chung-Yuan Yu (b. 1984 in Taipei) has been awarded in numerous musical composition competitions. His compositions have been performed by outstanding musicians and ensembles such as Ensemble SurPlus, Formalist Quartet,…

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Elizabeth Anderson: Solar Winds

Elizabeth Anderson

The artistic production of Belgian composer Elizabeth Anderson (b. 1960) comprises acousmatic, mixed, and radiophonic works as well as works for multimedia and sound installations, and has been performed in…

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Patrick Leterme: Lumières

Patrick Leterme (photo © Sandra Reyckers)

…is bathed in an obsessive gravity that only comes to life during a brief explosive episode, with the mystery taking over for the conclusion.” Patrick Leterme: Lumières Orchestre Philharmonique…

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