Isao Matsushita (1951-2018)

…musical compositions, which have been performed all over the world and have appeared on numerous recordings, span works for orchestra, chorus, Western classical chamber ensembles, traditional Japanese instruments, combinations of…

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ISCM General Assembly 2013

…meeting Booklet can be viewed online and is also available for download there. Brief history of ISCM World New Music Days in a short video! The festival will take place…

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Igal Myrtenbaum: Comping the Empty Wheel

Igal Myrtenbaum

…piano piece Comping the Empty Wheel, the composer has written: “The term ‘comping’ is mostly used in Jazz to describe the act of accompanying a solo. But what does ‘comping’…

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Olli Koskelin: Animal II

Olli Koskelin

Olli Koskelin (born 16 April 1955) was tutored in composition by Jukka Tiensuu and Eero Hämeenniemi as well as the French composer Tristan Murail. Koskelin also studied the clarinet at…

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1949 Palermo, Taormina

for having new scores performed, and the younger composers find their feet without the stimulus of international comparing of notes.” — F. H., “The I. S. C. M. Festival at…

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1979 Athens

…Moments in Greek Musical Modernism, p. 252 fn29). “Founded in 1923, it [the ISCM] was indispensable in an era when composers were less internationally mobile and there were few records,…

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Bernhard Gander: Blood Beat

Bernhard Gander

…Young Composers Grant of the City of Vienna in 2004, the Erste Bank Composition Prize in 2005, Austrian federal grants for musical composition 2005/2007, theSKE Publicity Prize in 2009, and…

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