2nd Keuris Composers Contest 2016

The Keuris Competition invites composers of all ages and nationalities to participate in the 2nd Keuris Composers Contest with self-made compositions for the youth. The compositions should be challenging, but…

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Miguel Azguime: De part et d’autre

Miguel Azguime (photo by Perseu Mandillo)

…with Paula Azguime he founded the Portuguese Music Research & Information Centre, a digital platform for research, preservation and communication with an on-line data base, available at www.mic.pt, focused on…

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1923 Salzburg

…submitted by the national sections–was modern, often ultra-modern in tendency. The scores as a whole showed their composers seeking new paths and formulas; they have definitely broken with the past,…

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1937 Paris

Presented in conjunction with the Exposition Internationale des Arts et des Techniques appliques a la Vie Moderne and the International Conference of the Society for Music Education From contemporaneous reviews:…

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