Georg Friedrich Haas: …Und…

Georg Friedrich Haas (photo by Gian Marco Castelberg, 2014)

…as a “trip inside a really big, big sound.” It is here performed by the Collegium Novum Zürich under the direction of Enno Poppe at the Experimentalstudio des SWR.…

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2nd ACC composition Competition

…All selected composers are requested 2 more Scores for ACC archiving. All selected composers would be contact personally, or announced on the website, ISCM-Korea Section (, ACC ( Composition Competition…

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2021 shanghai work categories slask

…special sensor or devices that the composer used should be brought to the performance by themselves. We don’t provide any kind of sensor or trigger devices. 作曲家在作品中使用任何感应器或触发器设备均由作曲家自己提供,我们并不提供任何此类设备。 5. If the…

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1934 Florence

…Berlioz could have shown no list of teachers to impress the executive committee, so he would have been ruled out; Wagner would have failed on the ground that he was…

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