ISCM Board: Maciej Zółtowski – President Ryszard Latecki – Vice President Anna Dorota Władyczka – Secretary Marta Skotnicka-Karska – Treasurer Jarosław Siwiński – Member Dariusz Przybylski – Member Iwona Kisiel-Król…

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Markku Klami: Guitar Etudes

Markku Klami

…University of Applied Scienes). About his two Guitar Etudes composed in 2021, both featured here in performances by Patrik Kleemola, Klami writes: In Nocturno (Etude No. 5), the harmonic palette…

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1975 Paris

…1975), p. 204. “C’est la formule même de ce Festival qui est en cause : la sélection ne peut se faire que sur des œuvres envoyées par les sections nationales,

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Ângela da Ponte: Música para um ateliê

Angela Del Ponte

…of Aveiro (PT). Presently she lives in Porto (Portugal), developing the activities of composition and teaching assistance at the Superior School of Performing Arts (ESMAE, Porto) and at the Conservatory…

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Kristian Blak: Water & Stone

Kristian Blak

…larger ensembles, ballet and opera. In his compositions draws from his richly diverse background. Blak’s works often include other art forms – visual art, poetry, theatre. He combines inspiration from…

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Laura Manolache: Thinking EDEN

Laura Manolache

…The music’s architecture grows from Rubato – sostenuto ma senza rigore and integrates a rich array of sound effects and techniques: from the flute’s multiphonics (noted after Pierre-Yves Artaud’s Tratait…)…

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Hana Ajiashvili: Cicada’s Singing

Hana Ajiashvili

…the Young Composers’ Committee of the Moscow Composers Union. In 2001, she immigrated to Israel and continued her activities as a composer and director and composition teacher at the Or…

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