Stefan Hejdrowski: Les Ciels Rapportés

Stefan Hejdrowski

…Adámek. Since January 2017, Stefan Hejdrowski has been lecturer at the composition department of the Royal Conservatory of Liège. About Les ciels rapportés (2019), the composer writes: “The title refers…

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Tomasz Skweres: Impact

Tomasz Skweres

…into one heterogeneous descending line, which is finally brought to a total standstill. Tomasz Skweres: Impact (2016) Yui Iwata-Skweres, violinist Clemens Krella, sound engineer Neupfarrkirche Church, Regensburg, Germany, 5.1.2018…

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Kirsten Strom: Ktisis

Kirsten Strom

…was named the Young Composer-in-Residence with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra for 2018. Her commission Wake-Up Call for orchestra and smartphones received enthusiastic responses under the batons of Ray Chan and…

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Malin Bång: splinters of ebullient rebellion

Malin Bång

…of the founding members of the Curious Chamber Players. In collaboration with the CCP members she has established an experimental composition method combining close amplification of instruments with performance of…

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Omer Barash: Jeux jérusalemiens

Omer Barash

…Student Composers. Among his main compositional interests is the exploration of energetic and instrumental musical gestures. His music was awarded such prizes as the Svoboda Memorial Prize (McGill University, 2020),…

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Sukhi Kang: Lye-Buhl

Sukhi Kang

…August 16, 2020. Lye-Buhl is a 1968 composition for solo voice, male choir, and percussion ensemble. It was first performed in Seoul on November 20, 1969. Sukhi Kang: Lye-Buhl…

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Ania Vu: Tik Tak

Ania Vu

(Submitted by the Vietnam Contemporary Music Centre ) Ania Vu (née Vũ Đặng Minh Anh), b. 1994, writes music that explores the interplay between the sound properties and meanings of…

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Doina Rotaru: Jyotis

Doina Rotaru

…her 2017 solo flute composition Jyotis, the composer writes: In Indian philosophy, Jyotis means Light. I’ve always associated the flute with light (both as natural phenomenon and spiritual elevation), not only for the…

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