Claudia Molitor: Auricularis Superior, or let your ear muscles roam

Claudia Molitor

Claudia Molitor (b. 1974) is a composer/artist whose work draws on traditions of music and sound art but also extends to video, performance and fine art practices. Exploring the relationships between listening and seeing as well as embracing collaboration as compositional practice is central to this work. Recent work includes Sonorama with Electra Productions, Turner Contemporary…

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Evelyn Celeste Frosini: Samoa

Evelyn Frosini

Evelyn Celeste Frosini (b. 1983) is a composer and sound designer. She studied Composition at the National University of Arts (UNA) and Sound Design at the National School of Cinematographic Experimentation and Direction (ENERC) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently, she is a professor, Co-Director of the DaMus Electroacoustic Ensemble in the National University of the…

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Katharina Klement: Peripheries

Katharina Klement (Photo by Rania Moslam)

Katharina Klement (b. 1963 in Graz, Austria) is a composer-performer in the field of notated and improvised, instrumental and electronic music. Her instrumental and electronic compositions emphasize spatial conceptions and crossover projects combining music, text, video, and performance art. She has a particular interest in extended playing techniques on the piano. A founder and member…

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Alejandra Odgers: La paix – le voyage

Alejandra Odgers

Alejandra Odgers is a Mexican-Canadian composer of over fifty works, including a dozen for orchestra. Her compositions have been played by several orchestras in Mexico (OSN, OFCM, OSX, OSCCH, OSIPN, etc.), the Orchestra of North University (Paraguay), Montreal’s University Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra MUSAIC (Manitoba), the Orchestre symphonique de Longueuil and the Orchestre Métropolitain (Montreal), the…

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Karin Wetzel: Glass Body

Karin Wetzel

(Submitted by ISCM – SWISS SECTION) The compositional output of Karin Wetzel (b. 1981) encompasses works for solo instrument, ensemble, orchestra, electroacoustic works, live-electronics, and installations. As a part of her artistic-scientific research project about poly-works, Karin has created several work series over the last years, exploring the possibilities of simultaneity and dividual performance practices.…

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Abril Padilla: Grimja

Abril Padilla

(Submitted by ISCM – SWISS SECTION) Abril Padilla is a Buenos Aires-born composer and sound artist who has been living in Basel since 2006. Her compositions are mainly electroacoustic and radiophonic, but she also writes for instrumental ensembles. Her creation Emulsion d’air (2019) with the ensemble Contrechamps was supported by the Nicati-de-Luze Foundation and recorded…

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