Kenta Masuda

Competition, the 2014 PARMA student composer competition, and the Hirosaki Sakuranosono Composition Competition 2017 as well as the 33rd JSCM Award for Composers. His pieces have been performed at “XXXVI…

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Diana Rotaru: Hannya

Diana Rotaru

…National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (Erasmus). She participated in different courses such as Acanthes (Metz, 2008), Voix Nouvelles-Royaumont (2002 and 2006), or the International Bartok Seminary…

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Zoran Eric: Oberon

Zoran Erić

…the Mokranjac Award. Zorica Premate writes: Oberon koncert (1997) was composed for solo flute and instrumental ensemble and constitutes the final, fifth part of the cycle Slike haosa (Images of Chaos)….

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Andreas Argyrou: Metachromatismos

Andreas Argyrou

…of professor Michalis Travlos and he continued his studies at the Faculty of Music , Belgrade Music Academy. His compositions have been played in many countries (U.S., France, Cyprus etc.)…

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Talia Amar: Reverberations

Talia Amar

…of my current compositional sensibilities. It’s a reminder of the journey I’ve made so far. Talia Amar: Reverberations (2017/2019) for flute, clarinet, bassoon, violin, viola, cello, contrabass, piano, percussion,…

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Garth Erasmus: Virulent Strain

Garth Erasmus

…as the communal healer or medicine man in the context of the time of Covid-19 plague. Chapter four is a meditation on place and the hurts inflicted by colonization.…

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Veronika Krausas: Unintermezzi

Veronika Krausas

…wonderfully poetic that I’ve stolen (with his permission!) several of his phrases as the titles for each of the pieces. The pitches of each piece are based on the names

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Ivan Ostapovych: Songs of Love for String Orchestra

Ivan Ostapovych

…internationally acclaimed Japanese-American violinist Midori by the Ukrainian composer Oleg Bezborodko and works by Beethoven in a series of concerts featuring Midori in Ukraine in September 2019. – FJO…

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